Closed benjaminweb closed 1 month ago
HTMX implements this by allowing an onInput event, but with a debounce:
<input class="form-control" type="search"
name="search" placeholder="Begin Typing To Search Users..."
hx-trigger="input changed delay:500ms, search"
This is very doable. We can add an onInput
with a delay parameter. Users will probably attempt to use 0 at some point. Maybe we can throw a javascript error or warning and force a minimum of 50ms or something.
Added a search
input, which triggers an action on a debounced delay. It doesn't automatically make things selectable, but this should be very easy to do by making the results be buttons
data SearchAction = GoSearch Text
deriving (Show, Read, ViewAction)
liveSearch :: LiveSearch -> SearchAction -> Eff es (View LiveSearch ())
liveSearch _ (GoSearch term) = do
let matched = filter (isInfixOf (toLower term) . toLower) allLanguages
pure $ liveSearchView matched
liveSearchView :: [Text] -> View LiveSearch ()
liveSearchView langs =
col (gap 10) $ do
search GoSearch 100 (placeholder "programming language" . border 1 . pad 10)
resultsTable langs
See LiveSearch for the full example.
Which building blocks do we need to make this possible? It reduces navigation complexity quite significantly for a context I have at the moment. Currently, there is no event that is triggered on typing and returning the current input string.