seanhess / hyperbole

Haskell interactive serverside web framework inspired by HTMX
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Hyperbole to allow arbitrary mods on hyper view #8

Closed kfigiela closed 5 months ago

kfigiela commented 5 months ago

Specifically, allow any CSS class to be set there and do not force col.

seanhess commented 5 months ago

Thanks for opening a focused PR for this. As mentioned in the other issue, I have a question about this:

HTML and CSS are really great at using nesting for composability. I haven't yet found any use-case that couldn't be solved by nesting another container inside the hyper.

hyper MyView $ do
  -- use styles and layout here
  col (pad 20 . gap 20 . color Green) $ do
    el_ "Hello"

Would your issue be solved using the above technique?

seanhess commented 5 months ago

Is this branch basically a duplicate of #9? Short of wanting to use a different approach than web-view affords, what is the use case where this is needed? You mentioned figuring it out in another thread.

kfigiela commented 5 months ago

This branch addresses point 1 from #9. I opened #9 to discuss hyperbole design and future development in broad sense. As far as my use-case, at the moment I'm running off fork with commits from this branch included. I will investigate that further, but I think it's doable.

Apart from my use-case, it just feels a principled design to have separation of concerns with hyperbole handling routing/hyperview handling and being agnostic to any styling. This is the only place hyperbole adds a modifier that can't be customized and that was actually frustrating when I found that – I was expecting an extra wrapper element, but not with any styles out there.

seanhess commented 5 months ago

It's only there so that views that need to fill their parent can do so. col does this already when in a parent container. I definitely think the hyperview should have that property, and I really like keeping hyper focused on attaching views, rather than styling.

kfigiela commented 5 months ago

How about leaving flexCol as a default mod?

BTW, onLoad adds similar extra element with no classes and no way to customize either, so that's a possible todo.

I did further investigation on my use-case and I'm pretty much sure that I need to be able to pass some styles to either of those elements. I'm doing full-screen dashboard with certain elements scrollable. Some extra CSS is needed for hyper/onLoad extra wrappers so height distributes correctly. Anyway, I'm leaving it here, as I've already spent too much time on that, and there is no issue that inline <style> could not fix ;)

seanhess commented 5 months ago

Sounds good. When you find an example where you need to pass styles to those elements will you send it to me?

seanhess commented 5 months ago

Closing for now, but will reopen once we have some specific examples that can't be handled with the current method