seanliang / HighlightWords

A Sublime Text 2 & 3 plugin for highlighting mutiple words in different colors
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Auto Highlight for the same “as selected parts of the text” and “substrings” #10

Open alvolturbo opened 10 years ago

alvolturbo commented 10 years ago

Is there the way to make in Sublime Auto Highlight for the same "as selected parts of the text" and "substrings/subsequences"? "WordHighlight" plugin highlights only whole words, not sequence of the any chars (for example: parts of two words devided with space). I need highliting of the text parts like ALT+F3 can do it, but this combo selects text for editing. I need only coloring of the same sequences of the chars I selected (not for editing, only coloring and highlight to quick find the same instances i selected).

xacid commented 10 years ago

How about using regular expression? That is supported.

alvolturbo commented 10 years ago

And how can I implement it to do it "On Fly" when text selection appears and disappear?

seanliang commented 10 years ago

Sublime Text itself will automatically highlight all instances of the single word you selected. I suppose you want the same thing applied to the words you selected. Check this

alvolturbo commented 10 years ago

I set "Turn [ regular expression] ON", but I don't have the same effect as you mentioned

seanliang commented 10 years ago

The feature is implemented in my local machine only. I will release it after testing.

BTW, regular expression seems unless for this kind of instant highlighting. So, only literal matched words will be highlighted.

alvolturbo commented 10 years ago

I think this could be helpfull

alvolturbo commented 10 years ago

Would you like to check this thread? It's about enhancing the functionality of "HighlightWords". And may be you should merge your plugin wih the other one (Word Highlight)?

liuhewei commented 9 years ago

@Fabianred I think the plugin "HighlightWords" is different from "WordHighlight". I'm using both, "WordHighlight" for replacing system default "ctrl+d" and "alt+f3" because most of my time I only want to locate some/all the appeared places of one symbol, and outline them in gutter, usually for multiple-editing; "HighlightWords" for the real "colorfully highlight everything", you can use the configuration ("Regex", "Wholeword", "Casesensitive") to define your own expected behavior, usually for code review. Actually, the name might better be "HighlightStrings" or "HighlightTexts" :)

And I'm looking forward to @seanliang 's implementation on the feature of "instantly highlight what you selected".

alvolturbo commented 9 years ago

@liuhewei, I see. For now I use them both to. But I think It should be implemented in one "Everything highlight" plugin, where you could select the most wanted regimes (switch on or switch off) in one sets file and you don't need to find each plugin for each feature separately. May be there will be some new features later. Both of them use regular expressions, use hot keys, the same coloring scheme and both could be in same plugin to prevent tuning the same hot keys and unexpected overlap of features. One normal plugin could be better and use the same parts of code, maybe. And, maybe, it could be optimized and faster. Are you agree?

laramjo commented 9 years ago

They could give me an example of how to change the color of the word to highlight