[ ] An "introductory" view, describing the context and purpose of the application, and allowing the user to create an account or log in.
[x] Login panel
[ ] Info page
[x] Parallax
When scrolling down the login, user is shown the info section. Background slight parallax
[ ] A "find requests" view, allowing the user to search for and accept requests.
[ ] Home page that collects all of the requests
[ ] Filter bar based on interests (technical, arts…..)
[ ] Save option for requests
[ ] Request border highlighting on hover
[ ] Search bar
[ ] Apply and accept
[ ] A "create requests" view, allowing the user to create requests for other people to answer.
[ ] Request title, description and relevant documents or photos
[ ] Urgency tag
[ ] Compensation
[ ] Personal information (phone number, email, full name, Profile)
[ ] DM toggle
[ ] Edit requests
[ ] Themes?
Back end (40%)
[ ] User account and tracking feature
[x] Store user data in a database - Flask, SQLite
[x] Create database
[x] User, pw, and email. Use ID as a key
[ ] Route frontend function request when button clicked
[x] Insert data
[x] Make routes
[x] DB migration
[ ] Method to store interactions and results
[ ] Save create requests and edits. (Deletion(after someone is already assigned to the request , i.e accepted by the requestee) + requestee acknowledges that task is complete then gives rating)
[ ] Save rating (use ID as link?)
[ ] Method to search previous interactions
[ ] Database queries
[ ] Search functionality JS
[ ] Sort and filter using Urgency tag and interests
Agile processes (25%)
[ ] The third part of the project assessment will evaluate the Agile process used to create the application. Your Github repo will be used to provide evidence of this, in particular there should be:
[ ] Regular commits with meaningful messages.
[ ] Use of issues to discuss bugs, and plan new features.
[ ] Use of pull requests, with code reviews provided by your group.
[ ] Intermediate deliverables, pinpointed with Git tags.
Request board(NEEDS A NAME:{insert suggestions: _____}) - freelance request
Read me
Front end (35%)
Back end (40%)
[ ] User account and tracking feature
[ ] Method to store interactions and results
[ ] Method to search previous interactions
Agile processes (25%)