seanlixu / CITS3403-RequestBoard

Job/ service request board project for CITS3403
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link

Planning #1

Open seanlixu opened 5 months ago

seanlixu commented 5 months ago

Request board(NEEDS A NAME:{insert suggestions: _____}) - freelance request

Read me

Front end (35%)

Back end (40%)

Agile processes (25%)

paulmmaingi commented 5 months ago


Aidan (Backend)

  1. Register users (DB)
  2. Validating logins
  3. Create requests and edit
  4. Search functionality - search bar backend
    • Crosscheck with
  5. Hashing password

Daniel (Frontend)

  1. User profile
    • Location
    • Stars
    • Contact Details
    • Summary
  2. Main page
    • Header
      • Search Bar
    • Hero Section
      • Post a job
      • Earn money
    • Information Page Redirect Section
  3. Sign-up
    • Email & Password
    • Already have an account?
  4. Onboarding
    • Getting details from people who have signed-up
      • Location
      • Summary
      • Contact Details
  5. Post a job page
    • Title & date
    • Location
    • Details
    • Budget

Paul (Backend)

  1. Create requests and edit
  2. Reviews DB
  3. Posts DB
  4. Fetching posts to render on frontend
  5. Sorting - Saving rating in DB
  6. Login security, flask-login library, anti sql injections
  7. DB migration (evidence)

Sean (Frontend)

  1. User login GUI
    • Username+password
    • Remember me
    • Forgot password
    • Don't have an account?
  2. Information page
    • Parallax scrolling
    • Just under user login gui
    • Information on what the website is used for and how to use it
  3. Flask static and templates +
  4. Request board GUI
    • Main page with search bar on top, request “cards” for each uploaded request
    • User information on left
  5. Parallax on login page
    • On vertical scrolling, background will adjust
  6. Request card
    • Title
    • Description
    • Urgency
    • paid/unpaid
    • Pictures
    • contact