seanlowe / obsidian-timelines

Create a timeline view of all notes with the specified combination of tags
MIT License
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[Bug - Vertical] collapsing an event that is not a time range changes date to "undefined" #67

Open seanlowe opened 1 week ago

seanlowe commented 1 week ago

expanded: image

collapsed: image

QuantumBob commented 4 days ago

in file vertical.ts on line 115. Instead of

noteHdrs[0].setText( collapsed ? datedTo[1] : datedTo[0] )

relplace with

if (datedTo[1] === undefined){ noteHdrs[0].setText(datedTo[0]); }else { noteHdrs[0].setText(collapsed ? datedTo[1] : datedTo[0]); }

Sorry not a git person so this is the only way to edit code...

Thanks, great plugin btw