seanlowe / obsidian-timelines

Create a timeline view of all notes with the specified combination of tags
MIT License
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[Bug - Horizontal] Perfectly functional timelines, but countless notifications of "no date found for" (for each event), everytime I open the timeline note. #68

Closed samuelcasolli closed 6 days ago

samuelcasolli commented 6 days ago

First I want to thank you so much for this plugin, you saved my life, I absolutely love this, is the best timeline plugin that exists, I use everyday, for basically everything. And before you, I was having to use some old version of obsidian, only to not lose the Darakah's functioning timeline (that stopped working on the updates of obsidian). Thanks to you, now I can use the updated version of obsidian, and still be able to use timelines

But does exist any way to make those notifications not appear everytime I open a timeline note? Or is it normal? image

I tried to check, if I writed something wrong (despite all the timelines appearing and functioning perfectly... On the perfect dates I set...) I tought that maybe I was writing the dates wrong somehow, maybe something related to the dates was missing... I tried including the hours... Tried including other optional sections that I've seen across the tutorials, in those event notes... But I couldn't find anything that I did, that was wrong comparing to the tutorials... And the notifications persist... image

And this happens with all event notes... It doesnt matter if they are "range", or "dot"...

Is it a bug, or am I doing something wrong?

Sorry for the broke english 🇧🇷 Thanks in advance

seanlowe commented 6 days ago

Hey, thanks for creating an issue. It's interesting that it's giving you that notice for Agosto de because the event looks correct and the only time I create a Notice is when there is no start date, as in if someone accidentally deleted it or left it blank, etc. And your event clearly has a start date...

Out of curiosity, what does your timeline block look like?

seanlowe commented 6 days ago

How interesting!

I recreated your note to see if I could recreate it, and sure enough!

I get this error in the console:

  event: {
    tags: "timeline, goals"
  eventData: null

My first guess is that I'm not handling the tags string correctly and therefore it gets wonky. I'll look into it!

Edit: I believe I found what's causing the problem. So the plugin has to look for both HTML and Frontmatter events, right? And in your case you "have" both. So it's seeing the HTML event and adding it to the timeline as expected but then it goes and looks for data through the frontmatter. And if there's no start date then I throw that Notice. And there isn't a start date specified in this "frontmatter event" so then it puts that Notice up there. I'll work on a fix shortly.

seanlowe commented 6 days ago

This has been fixed in release 2.2.2

samuelcasolli commented 6 days ago

Damn, it worked perfectly!! Thank you so much!!!! And also thank you for fixing so quickly, you're the best ever

Where can I donate you some $$?