seanmonstar / ServiceDroid

ServiceDroid is an Android application built to assist Jehovah's Witnesses doing volunteer work.
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Ability to search and restore deleted contacts #106

Open KieranP opened 11 years ago

KieranP commented 11 years ago

I deleted a contact by mistake and can't restore them.

The ability to restore a deleted contact would be very cool.

seanmonstar commented 11 years ago

I could consider adding a deleted column to the database, instead of deleting the row...

Though, is there anything the app could have done to help here? Would it have taken long to know you deleted the wrong call? Would it be best to simply have an "Undo" that existed for a minute or two?

KieranP commented 11 years ago

I was testing the app, adding test data, deleted the contact without also getting rid of the data, and it left the RV's and mags intact, which I couldn't change (#105). It's not likely to happen often, but restoring deleted calls would be handy (say if a call says their not interested, but then later on are again).