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Hades: parsing re choices #3

Open damselindistressedjeans opened 1 year ago

damselindistressedjeans commented 1 year ago

I know that there are a lot of conditional triggers for dialogue in Hades, and thus tracking them as "choices" is likely unmanageable. However, there are three important actual dialogue choices that the player makes in the game - whether to advance their relationships with each of Thanatos, Meg, and Dusa. For instance, in Than's dialogue, it appears here:

{"Thanatos": "-- I need to ask something of you."},
    {"ACTION": "---"},
    {"Thanatos": "Just tell me one thing, Zagreus. Did you really mean what you told me before, that... maybe we ought to... take our time?"},
    {"Zagreus": "-- requirements are above"},
    {"ACTION": "---"},
    {"Zagreus": "I just... don't mean to push you, Than. I know all this is kind of a lot. And I wanted you to know... this isn't some impulsive thing for me. I'll wait for you however long it takes."}, 
    {"Thanatos": "Khh! You have no concept of which impulses to act upon, and which to keep in check. You say you'll wait, well, let me ask you this: What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for, I'm here, already. Right...?"},
    {"Zagreus": "Than...! Hahaha, oh, you're right!"},
    {"Zagreus": "-- intermission"},
    {"Thanatos": "A lot of things. And you will have to grow to like it, Zag. Or, what I mean is... don't take my silence the wrong way, all right? I'd better get going, though, I'm way behind on work, but... see you again. If that's all right."},
    {"Zagreus": "It is. It is."},
    {"ACTION": "---"},
    {"Zagreus": "...I did. Sometimes I need to slow things down. I'm thankful that we've been on better terms, lately. But, I've been coming on too strong. Forgive me. You're my dear friend. I don't want to do anything to hurt you. Or anybody else."}, 
    {"Thanatos": "I... oh. I see. I understand. You're my dear friend, as well. Though we have done an awful lot to jeopardize that lately, haven't we? Look, take care, Zag. Be seeing you."},
    {"Zagreus": "...Be seeing you, too."},
    {"ACTION": "---"},
    {"Thanatos": "-- I need to ask something of you."},

If it's not possible to pop these in, that's fair enough, but it would enhance the script, because it identifies the key choices the player makes.

For clarity: This isn't dialogue {"Zagreus": "-- requirements are above"}

This is option 1: {"Zagreus": "I just... don't mean to push you, Than. I know all this is kind of a lot. And I wanted you to know... this isn't some impulsive thing for me. I'll wait for you however long it takes."},

This is option 2 {"Zagreus": "...I did. Sometimes I need to slow things down. I'm thankful that we've been on better terms, lately. But, I've been coming on too strong. Forgive me. You're my dear friend. I don't want to do anything to hurt you. Or anybody else."},