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Disco Elysium: how are we counting words? #8

Open damselindistressedjeans opened 1 year ago

damselindistressedjeans commented 1 year ago

Quite a lot of the dialogue in DE isn't really dialogue spoken by the characters, but is rather narration. See for instance:

Is this taken into account when counting lines/words?

seannyD commented 1 year ago

At the moment, the text is the subtitles that appear on the screen, so it's counting everything including diegetic and non-diegetic. I think dialogue is usually surrounded by quotes:

{"Acele": '"So, like..." The girl on the ice looks up at you. "Seriously, what's eating you, man?"', "_ID": "19_216"}

So I'll split the lines into dialogue and non-dialogue. e.g.:

{"Acele": "So, like..." , "_ID": "19_216"},
{"Narration": "The girl on the ice looks up at you."} 
{"Acele": "Seriously, what's eating you, man?"}

There are no quotes for the PC's inner voices (empathy, perception etc.) Are we counting those as lines of dialogue?

seannyD commented 1 year ago

Part of the fix is now implemented - see if it's better.