seanpm2001 / SNU_2D_ProgrammingTools

The programming center of SNU, with planned support for every computer language, including punchcard languages. This build is required for programmer SNU distributions. Click here to learn how to build SNU:
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Degoogle Blockly #3

Open seanpm2001 opened 4 years ago

seanpm2001 commented 4 years ago

Degoogle Blockly

Once Blockly is added, it is going to need to be degoogled. I don't want any Google tracking scripts inside any of the scripts. Also shame on the developers of SystemD for denying that Google uses trackers and refusing to stop pinging Google servers, it is extremely obvious, and you don't even need to do a full minute of research to begin to see all the shady stuff Google does. I have been researching this subject for well over a year now, and I am personally working very hard on removing every aspect of Google from my life, the hardest parts for me is getting rid of YouTube (since it is such a dominant video platform) and replacing Android (since degoogled Android devices are lacking at the moment) switching to iOS isn't an option for me, I feel like iOS is too limiting, especially since iOS devices still don't have SD card support (after nearly 13 full years) because Apple wants to promote iCloud, and also due to the lack of customization (one of the major reasons why I started the WacOS project) Sorry for the rant, I want to emphasize the importance of degoogling, and explain how I am doing it.

Issue version: 1 (Friday, June 12th 2020 at 4:02 pm) Issue number: #3

seanpm2001 commented 4 years ago

Let the degoogling begin!

I have only added 1.5/9 of the Blockly versions from my local directory, but community degoogling is now allowed.