seanpm2001 / seanpm2001

:octocat: GitHub profile data for @seanpm2001
GNU General Public License v3.0
17 stars 7 forks source link

Daily Status - 2022 June #67

Closed seanpm2001 closed 2 years ago

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago


GitHub Status [] [] []

Daily status - 2022 June

This is the daily status thread for 2022, June. Daily status posts will be put daily (or when I get to it) below this post.

Starting on 2022 January 14th, entries have gone back to their shortened form. This was done to save time, memory, and prevent unnecessary duplication. I hope to get caught up by February 14th, then stay caught up.

Click here to see last months (2022 May) daily status posts

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 1st

I had a very good day with development again today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

Today was the first day of a new month (2022, June) so I started with a fresh slate of progress. I found a possible Git submodule solution today, and tried it out. I wasn't successful, over 9 months later, I still don't know how to make Git Submodules. I also worked partially on the Teams repository.

I worked heavily on the WacOS project today, working on the following repositories:

But I did NOT update the core WacOS source repository this time. My new laptop got delayed indefinitely, so I have to choose a new one now. Dell is refusing to let us get an XPS 13, even after purchasing it, and waited for a response for over 3 months. It is extremely frustrating.

I stayed caught up on Git-image part A & B work today. I created 9 repositories today, all 9 of them are forks. I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 1st. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 2nd

I had a very good day with development again today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th I worked heavily on the WacOS project again today, working on the following repositories:

I also made updates to the core WacOS source repository. I had a continuation of the MacOS emulation process, going from regular Mac OS X to OS X. All the time went into setup and project language file creation. I also did 1 graphic design repository update.

I stayed caught up on Git-image part A & B work today. I created 9 repositories today, 3 of them are forks, the other 6 were WacOS subsystem home repositories. I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 2nd. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 3rd

I had a decent day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

Today was the day of the week where I create organizations. The majority of my time on GitHub went towards creating and documenting organizations. As usual, data for this can be found here (GitHub_Organization_Info)

I recently ordered another new laptop, we got refunded for Dell's failure, and I went with System76. It was a mistake to NOT go with them for all these years. They outperformed Dell on day 1 (price) and then in less than 24 hours, the laptop was already built, and was on its way. What Dell couldn't do in 90+ days, System76 did in less than 24 hours.

I did not work on the WacOS project. I worked mostly on the GOI project, along with staying caught up on Git-image part A & B work today. I finished the project 4 hours earlier than expected. I also did 3 days of Git-image catchup work. I also finalized the V5 Tree World repository. I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 3rd. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 4th

I had a decent day with development again today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I worked heavily on the WacOS project again today, working on the following repositories:

I went back to make some touches to these repositories. I will continue to press forward tomorrow

I also made updates to the core WacOS source repository.

I worked heavily on the WacOS project, although I fell behind on Git-image part A & B work today. I finished the project 4 hours earlier than expected. Additionally, I created 4 repositories today, all 4 of them forks. I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 4th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 5th

I had a decent day with development again today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I worked heavily on the WacOS project again today, working on the following repositories:

I also made updates to the core WacOS source repository. Additionally today, I updated my Linux templates repository, as I recently discovered the benefits of using templates on Ubuntu 20.04. I also updated my profile repository, and am now planning to get caught up on status post work.

I worked heavily on the WacOS project, and I got caught back up on Git-image part A & B work today. Additionally, I created 3 repositories today, all 3 of them forks. I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 5th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 6th

I had an extremely good day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I worked heavily on the WacOS project again today, working on the following new repositories:

And making some final touches (for now) to 4 other WacOS projects:

Unfortunately, after I got done getting the projects created, I found that Apple had their yearly WWDC meeting, and 5 new systems were added to their queue, and also my queue. I don't have to worry too much about them until later in the Autumn of 2022. I have been putting tons of work into WacOS lately. Unfortunately, I failed to name image files today, and didn't do very much work other than this.

pCloud had some upload issues today, but it improved later on in the day. I assume it was a server problem.

I also made updates to the core WacOS source repository. Additionally today, I did some work to the GOI repository, and created 25 repositories today, of which 19 of them are forks, and 6 of them are the new WacOS project repositories from today,

I worked heavily on the WacOS project, and I fell behind on Git-image part A & B work today. I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 6th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 7th

I had a decent day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I worked on the WacOS project again today, working on the following new repositories:

I mostly added project language files to these projects. I have been putting tons of work into WacOS lately. I also made updates to the core WacOS source repository. Additionally today, I did some work on a new WacOS JRE (Java Runtime Environment) project, doing the very basics of laying the foundation. I also went and created 9 repositories today, of which 8 of them are forks, and 1 of them is the new WacOS JRE software repository. I have been criticizing myself on WacOS work, it is a self-esteem problem. I am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts.

I worked heavily on the WacOS project, and I got caught up on Git-image part A & B work today. I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 7th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 8th

I had a decent day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I worked on the WacOS project again today, working on the following new repositories:

Along with some new, but older repositories:

I have been putting tons of work into WacOS lately. I also made updates to the core WacOS source repository. I went and created 4 repositories today, of which 4 of them are the new WacOS subprojects for today. I am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts.

My new System76 Pangolin laptop arrived today, and I began setting it up at 5:00 pm. The operating system was already installed, it just required setting the time zone, network info, and some other basic information, then it worked immediately. So far, it is working really well. I got some software installed on it. I decided not to purge the snap store this time. I later moved some files onto it, and transitioned to it later in the night. I thought Ubuntu 22.04 was going to be a giant problem, it wasn't as bad as I thought.

My new laptop has 32 gigabytes of RAM, so RAM will no longer be a problem. I was also surprised to find 16 CPU cores on it (even though the laptop said 4) I am starting to understand what a CPU thread is due to this.

I wanted to play SuperTuxKart, as it was a game I have been considering demo-ing on this laptop for a week now. I have come to love the game, even though I never played it. It is essentially the Mario Kart of Linux, and instead of the Nintendo roster, you get the open source roster. Unfortunately, SuperTuxKart refuses to run on Ubuntu 22.04, and just crashes. I tried both through the GUI, and through the terminal, the game is unbootable.

I worked heavily on the WacOS project, and I fell behind on Git-image part A & B work today. I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 8th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 9th

I had a very good day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I worked on the WacOS project again today, working on the following new repositories:

I have been putting tons of work into WacOS lately. I also made updates to the core WacOS source repository. I went and created 13 repositories today, of which 3 of them are forks, and the other 10 are new WacOS subprojects for today. I am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts.

I worked sheavily on the WacOS project, and I fell further behind on Git-image part A & B work again today. I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 9th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 10th

I had a decent day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I worked on the WacOS project again today, working on the following new repositories:

I have been putting tons of work into WacOS lately. I also made updates to the core WacOS source repository. I went and created 21 repositories today, of which 21 of them are forks. I recently became aware of the Dylan programming language, and I am making plans for including it with WacOS. I am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts.

Today was the day of the week where I create organizations. The majority of my time on GitHub went towards creating and documenting organizations. As usual, data for this can be found here (GitHub_Organization_Info)

I also tried to get the YOLO achievement today, just so I could have it, but it didn't go through.

I worked minimally on the WacOS project, and I fell further behind on Git-image part A & B work again today. I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 10th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 11th

I had a decent day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts. The new laptop is working out really great, although the majority of my files haven't been transferred over yet. I am procrastinating on this task.

I worked on my Linux Setup repository, and got caught up with Git-image part A work (but not part B work) I also did heavy updates to my GOI repository.

I fell further behind on Git-image part B work again today. I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 11th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 12th

I had an OK day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts.

I worked heavily on the GOI repository today, and stayed caught up with Git-image part A work (but not part B work) I also updated the SNU HTTPS Status Code list project, as I wanted to experiment with the http language in the Linguist.

Recently, I have found a cool profile metric, but I have been skeptical, as it requires a PA token (Personal Access Token) today, I took the risk, and made one. I gave it as little power as possible, and am using it solely on the new GitHub_Stats_A repository. Today, I also updated my profile repository, and created 1 fork. I also raised an issue on the project where I got the stats from, asking how I can display all languages.

The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. I thought the day 1 results were good, I would later find that they can get much better.

I fell further behind on Git-image part B work again today. I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 12th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 13th

I had an good day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

My notes were mislabeled, I forgot to write yesterdays notes due to this. Here they are:

I made several innovations to the GOI projects documentation and structure. The statistics processs ran for 1 hour and 52 minutes, and I got little work done today. The process was also very distracting. I did brief Git-image work today.

Now for today:

I worked on the WacOS project again today, working on the following new repositories:

I have been putting tons of work into WacOS lately. I also made updates to the core WacOS source repository. I went and created 6 repositories today, of which 6 of them are new WacOS projects.

I did mass work to the GOI repository today, and also worked on the V8 Git repository template today, creating a WacOS branch. I am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts.

I worked heavily on the GOI repository today, and stayed caught up with Git-image part A work (but not part B work)

The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. I thought the day 1 results were good, I would later find that they can get much better.

I fell further behind on Git-image part B work again today. I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 13th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 14th

I had a very good day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I worked on the WacOS project again today, this time heavily, working on the following new repositories:

I have been putting tons of work into WacOS lately. I also made updates to the core WacOS source repository. I went and created 25 repositories today, of which 12 of them are new WacOS projects, and the other 13 are forks. am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts.

I worked heavily on the WacOS repositories today, got caught up on Git-image part B work, and stayed caught up with Git-image part A work.

The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. I thought the day 1 results were good, I would later find that they can get much better. I didn't update the repository today, but I let it run, which it did successfully.

I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 14th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 15th

I had a decent day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I did mass work on my GitHub profie, and feel satisfied with it. Additionally, today, I feel a lot less ashamed of my Modern Smurf Village and Motor World Car Factory Git-image repositories.

I worked on the WacOS project again today, this time heavily, working on the following new repositories:

I have been putting tons of work into WacOS lately. I did not make updates to the core WacOS source repository. I went and created 25 repositories today, of which 11 of them are new WacOS projects, and the other 14 are forks. am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts.

I worked heavily on the WacOS repositories today, and stayed caught caught up on Git-image part B work, and stayed caught up with Git-image part A work.

The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. I thought the day 1 results were good, I would later find that they can get much better. I didn't update the repository today, but I let it run, which it did unsuccessfully.

I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 15th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 16th

I had a decent day with development again today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I worked on the WacOS project again today, this time heavily, working on the following new repositories:

I have been putting tons of work into WacOS lately. I only made 1 update to the core WacOS source repository. I went and created 21 repositories today, of which 10 of them are new WacOS projects, and the other 11 are forks. am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts.

I worked heavily on the WacOS repositories today, and stayed caught caught up on Git-image part B work, and stayed caught up with Git-image part A work.

The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. I thought the day 1 results were good, I would later find that they can get much better. I didn't update the repository today, but I let it run, which it did successfully.

I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 16th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 17th

I had a good day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I forgot to fill out several parts of my notes from yesterday, here they are:

I discovered that GitHub has started marking certain repositories with a warning, saying that the repository contains "objectionable content" I have mixed feelings on this. (it can be used for good, but it can also be going down the route I have been trying to get away from)

I did some WacOS work, along with importing a small amount of graphic design work done last night. I prepared Firefox profiles for tomorrow, and got everything I could done a day early. I also did some work in a midnight session, and did some WacOS project planning privately.

Now for today:

I worked on the WacOS project again today, this time again heavily, working on the following new repositories:

I have been putting tons of work into WacOS lately. I did not make any updates to the core WacOS source repository. I went and created 13 repositories today, of which 10 of them are new WacOS projects, 1 was another project, and the other 12 are forks. am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts.

Today was the day of the week where I create organizations. The majority of my time on GitHub went towards creating and documenting organizations. As usual, data for this can be found here (GitHub_Organization_Info)

I worked heavily on the WacOS repositories today, and fell behind on Git-image part B work. I additionally stayed caught up with Git-image part A work. I also updated the SNU translation repository, and made an external commit to a project regarding GitHub profile achievements. I created the new seanspokane2015 repository, which is a gateway to my first online phase.

The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. I thought the day 1 results were good, I would later find that they can get much better. I didn't update the repository today, but I let it run, which it did successfully.

I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 17th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 18th

I had an extremely good day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I worked on the WacOS project heavily yet again today, working on the following new repositories:

I have been putting tons of work into WacOS lately. I made medium updates to the core WacOS source repository. I went and created 2 repositories today, of which all 2 of them are forks. am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts.

I worked heavily on the WacOS repositories today, doing "catchup work", and fell behind on Git-image part B work. I additionally stayed caught up with Git-image part A work. I reshaped the WacOS project today, sub-releases of each major release will now be additinally supported. I worked on various projects today, with high levels of productivity.

I did some graphic design today, and made a community contribution to the same GitHub achievement list project, asking about a section that was removed, and giving feedback to the developer.

I got my Raspberry Pi blog back up to date, along with the audio database (minus the playlists)

The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. I thought the day 1 results were good, I would later find that they can get much better. I didn't update the repository today, but I let it run, which it did successfully.

I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 18th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 19th

I had a decent day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I worked on the WacOS project heavily yet again today, working on the following new repositories:

I have been putting tons of work into WacOS lately. I made no updates to the core WacOS source repository today. I went and created 2 repositories today, of which 1 is a fork, and 1 is the next months Tree World image repository. I am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts.

I worked heavily on the WacOS repositories today, and fell further behind on Git-image part B work. I additionally stayed caught up with Git-image part A work. I did some graphic design repository updates, and updated the Linux Defender project.

I kept my Raspberry Pi blog back up to date, along with the audio database (minus the playlists)

The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. I thought the day 1 results were good, I would later find that they can get much better. I didn't update the repository today, but I let it run, which it did successfully.

I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 19th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 20th

I had a very good day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I worked on the WacOS project heavily yet again today, working on the following new repositories:

I have been putting tons of work into WacOS lately. I made some updates to the core WacOS source repository today. I went and created 4 repositories today, of which all 4 of them are forks. I am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts.

I worked heavily on the WacOS repositories today, and fell further behind on Git-image part B work. I additionally stayed caught up with Git-image part A work. I forgot to write this in yesterdays entry, but: to all of my USA followers:

Happy Juneteenth (second independence day of the USA)

I couldn't do anything special for it today unfortunately, maybe next year I can make something special for the day

I kept my Raspberry Pi blog back up to date, along with the audio database (minus the playlists)

The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. I thought the day 1 results were good, I would later find that they can get much better. I didn't update the repository today, but I let it run, which it did successfully.

I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 20th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 21st

I had a decent day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I worked on the WacOS project heavily yet again today, working on the following new repositories:

I am now mostly up to date on these projects.

I have been putting tons of work into WacOS lately. I made some heavy updates to the core WacOS source repository today. I did not create any repositories today. I am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts.

I worked heavily on the WacOS repositories today, and fell further behind on Git-image part B work. I additionally stayed caught up with Git-image part A work.

I kept my Raspberry Pi blog back up to date, along with the audio database (minus the playlists)

The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. I thought the day 1 results were good, I would later find that they can get much better. I didn't update the repository today, but I let it run, which it did successfully.

I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 21st. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 22nd

I had a poor day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I worked on the WacOS project briefly yet again today, working on the following new repositories:

I have been putting tons of work into WacOS lately. I made some small updates to the core WacOS source repository today. I created 8 new projects today, of which 6 were forks, and 2 were sources. I am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts.

Today, I further broke my silence on my opposition to Russias invasion of Ukraine. Originally, I felt it was too late to do this, but I decided that it wasn't. I created 2 new repositories today, a Ukraine information hub, and my first awesome list project, with a twist (instead of it being a list, it is a list of lists) of Ukrainian software. I merely started the projects today, more work will go into them tomorrow.

I worked heavily on the WacOS repositories today, and fell further behind on Git-image part B work. I additionally stayed caught up with Git-image part A work.

I kept my Raspberry Pi blog back up to date, along with the audio database, now with the playlists, as I got the time to go on my other laptop and upload the playlists from 2022 June 8th, which also allowed me to upload the playlists from 2022 June 9th to 2022 June 21st.

The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. I thought the day 1 results were good, I would later find that they can get much better. I didn't update the repository today, but I let it run, which it did successfully.

I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 22nd. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 23rd

I had a decent day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts. Today, I continued my break from WacOS work, and continued work on the Ukrainian repositories, and started 3 new private projects that will be released publicly on 2022, July 1st. The projects include: - WichCraft > A software piece for crafting and making sandwiches/managing a sandwich business. - MalNotch > A piece of malware that is for activism purposes, meant to oppose the hardware notch becoming more common on computers. - FloweredNotch > The polar opposite of MalNotch, meant to display good patterns over the notch area, so that MalNotch cannot corrupt it.

Today, I also worked on my Transmission (BitTorrent client) image repository, bringing it up to date, and adding new data, as I used it today. I also updated the BluPhoneOS project, and the Vim Autoscroller project, along with 1 graphic design submission being added to my graphic design repository.

I fell further behind on Git-image part B work. I additionally stayed caught up with Git-image part A work.

I kept my Raspberry Pi blog back up to date, along with the audio database

The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. I thought the day 1 results were good, I would later find that they can get much better. I didn't update the repository today, but I let it run, which it did unsuccessfully.

I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 23rd. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 24th

I had an OK day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts. Today was the day of the week where I create organizations. The majority of my time on GitHub went towards creating and documenting organizations. As usual, data for this can be found [here (`GitHub_Organization_Info`)]( Today, I worked mostly on the GOI project, the only unique contribution today was a set of updates to the Graphic Design repository. I fell further behind on Git-image part B work. I additionally stayed caught up with Git-image part A work. I kept my Raspberry Pi blog back up to date, along with the audio database The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. I thought the day 1 results were good, I would later find that they can get much better. I didn't update the repository today, but I let it run, which it did unsuccessfully again today. I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 24th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 25th

I had a decent day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

I am still falling really far behind on GitHub status posts.

Today, I worked mostly on the WichCraft project heavily, and also worked on MalNotch, FloweredNotch, and my graphic design repository. I got caught back up on Git-image part B work, but didn't finalize it today. I additionally stayed caught up with Git-image part A work. I kept my Raspberry Pi blog back up to date, along with the audio database

The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. I thought the day 1 results were good, I would later find that they can get much better. I didn't update the repository today, but I let it run, which it did successfully today.

I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 25th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 26th

I had a good day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

Today, I worked mostly on the GNOME System Monitor image repository project heavily, and also updated my battery documentation, adding support for Ubuntu 22.04, and System76 Pangolin hardware. I got caught back up on Git-image part B work, finalizing it today. I additionally stayed caught up with Git-image part A work. I kept my Raspberry Pi blog up to date, along with the audio database. I also added Dylan and Lingo support to WacOS.

The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. I thought the day 1 results were good, I would later find that they can get much better. I didn't update the repository today, but I let it run, which it did unsuccessfully today.

GitHub was inconsistent with commits in the late evening/nighttime, and it dropped 9 to ~90 commits on my profile. It later dropped again from 38706 to 38705, then dropped below 38700, and I could not regain it tonight. I really hope it is a miscalculation/correction of a miscalculation. There was also a minor bug with my laptop today, where I unplugged it within 30 seconds of it reaching 100% battery, and something went wrong, as it took 2 minutes to detect that I had unplugged it.

I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have plans to start getting caught back up tomorrow. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 26th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 27th

I had an OK day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

Today, I resumed getting caught back up on status post work. I decided to do 1 month per day. I could have done more today, but I felt like keeping a lighter system. I caught up on status posts from 2022 April 7th to 2022 April 30th. Tomorrow, I plan to catch up on 2022, May 1st to 2022, May 31st.

Today, I also did a big update to my graphic design repository, adding new graphics, and also finally finishing creating alphabetical sections A-Z.

Additionally, I worked on the MalNotch, and FloweredNotch projects today, and added a CODEOWNERS file to SNU 2D Translation.

I stayed caught up on Git-image part B work. I additionally stayed caught up with Git-image part A work. I kept my Raspberry Pi blog up to date, along with the audio database.

The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. I thought the day 1 results were good, I would later find that they can get much better. I didn't update the repository today, but I let it run, which it did successfully today.

I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have plans to start getting caught back up tomorrow. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 27th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 28th

I had an OK day with development again today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th

Today, I resumed getting caught back up on status post work. I decided to do 1 month per day. It took much longer than expected. I finished entries for 2022, May 1st to 2022 May 31st, but it took so much time, I had to fall behind on Git-image part B work. Tomorrow, I plan to catch up on 2022, June 1st to 2022, June 29th, then I will be all caught up on the project.

The project took much longer than expected, and was a bit repetitive. I also noticed a new GitHub bug, where I cannot view contributions while hovering after you click a link on the userpage, and go back, you have to refresh first. GitHub's daily blog isn't logging everything as well, it is missing a lot

Looking back, I fell behind on Git-image work alot in the past 3 months. It looks meek in comparison to the status post work. I hope the posts will improve once I am caught up again, and only have to make 1 post per day, instead of over a dozen.

Before I started to resume getting caught up on status posts today, I started some new projects. I updated the V8 Git repository template, so that the Template-Other branch would be on par with the WacOS-other branch, so that I could use it with new projects. I then started 4 new projects:

I created an organization for this project weeks ago (@Kotlint-dev) but I didn't make its homepage until today. Right now, it is highly incomplete.

I intend to get back to work on my learn repositories again, and Gherkin was a must, as I have been learning this language recently. Currently, this project is incomplete, except for the structure.

This is the general definition and documentation project for the term Notchware

This project was a lot more verbose than I expected. It is a simulator where one can control Ukraine at any point in its 47000+ year history. There are already enough WW2 simulator games, and hardly any on Ukraine, and I decided to choose it for my first history simulator game. It is still in the planning phase, and will take a while until it is ready.

Notchware and Ukraine History Simulator are going to remain private until 2022, July 1st, when they will be made public. The other 2 were released publicly on day 1.

I also did 1 update to my graphic design repository today.

I fell behind on Git-image part B work. I additionally stayed caught up with Git-image part A work. I kept my Raspberry Pi blog up to date, along with the audio database.

The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. I thought the day 1 results were good, I would later find that they can get much better. I didn't update the repository today, but I let it run, which it did successfully today.

I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have plans to start getting caught back up tomorrow. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 28th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 29th

I had a decent day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th. I made significant progress on getting caught up, but there are still some projects left.

Today, I resumed getting caught back up on status post work. I decided to do 1 month per day. I finished entries for 2022, June 1st to 2022 June 28th. I am now all caught up on this project, I just have to keep it consistently up to date now.

While I was catching up, I made several errors, due to a confusion with GitHub using PDT (Pacific Daylight Time) in some areas, and PST (Pacific Standard Time) in others. I also had issues with notes, but these errors can be corrected.

Today, I additionally got caught up on Git-image part A & B work, and did no WacOS work, with plans to resume still on hold. I worked on the very verbose UHS (Ukraine History Simulator) project, I am making very slow progress on this project, as there is a ton to it. Hopefully, when the project goes public, I will get people who want to help with it. I am still in the planning phase of it. I did create a developer parliament for the project, where decisions can be voted on. Currently, it is internal between me and 2 other family members, but it will be expanded.

I also did a small update to my video directory repository today, adding recent download notes. I kept my Raspberry Pi blog up to date, along with the audio database.

The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. The results have been really good for the past 2 days (2022, June 28th to 2022 June 29th) the best they have ever been. I hope it can remain stable like this for a while.

I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I am still far behind on my status posts. I have plans to start getting caught back up tomorrow. I have also stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 29th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

Status update: 2022 June 30th

I had a decent day with development today. I am still struggling to stay caught up, but I am slowly getting there. It has been a struggle since 2021 December 28th. I made significant progress on getting caught up, but there are still some projects left.

Today, I continued to stay caught up on status post work. I am all caught up on this project, I just have to keep it consistently up to date now.

Today, I stayed caught up on Git-image part A & B work, and didn't do any WacOS work, with plans to resume still on hold. I worked on the very verbose UHS (Ukraine History Simulator) project, I am making slow progress on this project, as there is a ton to it. Today, I mapped out the timeline as a file structure, although didn't add data for any of the chapters in the timeline.

I have been preparing for tomorrow (an organization creation day, and also the first day of a new month) I have had a really productive month, with a high number of commits (7,246) across 136 repositories, which is additionally impressive, as this month is 1 day shorter than most months. I kept my Raspberry Pi blog up to date, along with the audio database.

The new stats repository takes over an hour to process the results. The results have been really good for the previous 2 days, but did poorly today.

I didn't do anything else today on GitHub.

I have stalled on trying to get all the way caught up. Here is the last project I have left:

The last projects

1. Marine Biology
1A. DuckDuckGo data (likely a single commit)
2A. Git-Templates notes uploads

Milly is still doing OK, I will keep logging her status here. She really seems like she will until her 15th birthday. She has made it to 15th birthday, and is still going strong, over 2 months later, as of 2022, June 30th. She is having off days from time to time, but nothing too serious yet. She has greatly exceeded our expectation on life expectancy, and is still going.

Move note

Data has been moved on the 2022 February 8th revision, which started with the 2022 January 14th entry post. It was too difficult to maintain, and not worth maintaining. Data will need to be moved to subprojects. Data from 2022 January 13th and below contain all the uncut data.

The following major data was omitted:

The data was mostly being duplicated with little change, occupying unnecessary space. I have now gone back to the classic way of writing status posts. It should reduce the writing time per day from ~20+ minutes to <5 minutes.

seanpm2001 commented 2 years ago

End of month

2022 June

Status files are no longer being added here. See #70 for more daily status posts (For 2022 July)