seansfkelley / nas-download-manager

An open source browser extension for adding/managing download tasks to your Synology DiskStation.
256 stars 46 forks source link

Initial commit for French localization #145

Closed damienmathe closed 4 years ago

damienmathe commented 4 years ago
damienmathe commented 4 years ago


Here is the French localization for the extension.

I have a somewhat limited knowledge of Git, I'm wondering if I did something wrong since there's a check failure…



seansfkelley commented 4 years ago

Hey, thanks for taking the time to do this! You didn't do anything wrong, you were just using an outdated version of the English text so you were missing a few translations, which is what the check was complaining about. I don't know if you can see the check results, so I don't know if you have a list of the missing translations, but you can also get at them by merging master into your branch and then running

./scripts/diff-messages fr

and it'll give you a bunch of JSON to paste at the bottom of your file for the translations you've missed.

I don't know what your intent is with closing this pull request -- but I would love to have a French translation!

damienmathe commented 4 years ago

Sorry! It was just me misunderstanding things. As I said, I'm a newbie and still have a lot to learn about GIthub, and seeing the errors just led me to think that there was a problem with the way I did my pull request, and I believed that closing it would "clean" things.

I checked the English version and you were right, some lines were missing. I started the translation a while ago, indeed.

I would be glad to try again! What would you like me to do? Reopen the request, or try a new one?

Sorry if I look like a total noob, but that's what I am right now!



seansfkelley commented 4 years ago

You can reopen this pull request or start a new one, whichever is easiest for you. Let me know if you have any more questions!

damienmathe commented 4 years ago

I think I'm going to open a new request. But before I proceed, do you think it's best that I merge the branch (I named it "loc_fr") which contains the translation with master? Or can I leave it as it is? I believe the translation is "good to go" but if it is needed to correct some errors in the future, having a dedicated branch is a better option, right?

seansfkelley commented 4 years ago

but if it is needed to correct some errors in the future, having a dedicated branch is a better option

Yeah, you can't really do any kind of development easily without keeping your work on a branch.

If you merge from master into loc_fr, you can reopen this pull request using the button below this comment thread. That's the simplest thing to do, and merging from master will bring in any changes you have to handle as well. Just remember to merge from "upstream" master (my repo) not your own master (unless you know it's up to date with mine).

You can also run the tests using yarn test (after following the installation instructions) which should tell you which translations you're missing and which ones you've provided that are no longer used.

damienmathe commented 4 years ago

I've reopened the pull request after successfully merging. Got errors again (sorry) but I'm leaving it open, and am waiting for your feedback :-)

I could not test with yarn, it returned me an error with exit code 1. Maybe because I'm on Windows?

seansfkelley commented 4 years ago

Alright! Are you able to see the build logs? Here's the output of the failing test:

  1) i18n
       other locale messages
         "fr" locale should have a subset of the messages from the default locale:

      AssertionError: expected { Object (Add_and_manage_Download_Station_tasks_on_your_Synology_DiskStation, Download_added, ...) } to contain keys 'Add_and_manage_Download_Station_tasks_on_your_Synology_DiskStation', 'Download_added', 'Download_finished', 'Download_with_DownloadStation', 'Selected_text_is_not_a_valid_URL', 'Failed_to_connect_to_DiskStation', 'Please_check_your_settings', 'eMule_is_not_enabled', 'Use_DSM_to_enable_eMule_downloads', 'Failed_to_add_download', 'URL_must_start_with_one_of_ZprotocolsZ', 'URL_is_empty_or_missing', 'Unexpected_error_please_check_your_settings_and_try_again', 'URL_to_download', 'Download_to', 'default_location', 'Dont_add_a_new_task', 'Cancel', 'Download_the_above_URL_to_the_specified_location', 'Add', 'Loading', 'Expandcollapse_directory', 'Settings_unconfigured', 'The_hostname_username_or_password_are_not_configured', 'Updating', 'Updating_download_tasks', 'Error_updating_tasks', 'Updated_ZtimeZ', 'updating_now', 'Add_download', 'Open_DownloadStation_UI', 'Show_task_display_settings', 'Open_settings', 'Configure_your_hostname_username_and_password_in_settings', 'No_download_tasks', 'Download_tasks_exist_but_none_match_your_filters', 'and_ZcountZ_more_hidden_tasks', 'Remove_download', 'Resume', 'Start_seeding', 'Pause', 'ZpercentZ_ZestimateZ_ZcurrentZ_of_ZtotalZ_at_ZspeedZ', 'ZetaZ_remaining', 'no_estimate', 'ZratioZ_ratio_ZtotalZ_uploaded_at_ZspeedZ', '100_ZtotalZ_downloaded', 'ZstatusZ_ZpercentZ_ZcurrentZ_of_ZtotalZ_downloaded', 'Downloading', 'Completed_uploading', 'Completed_not_uploading', 'Errored', 'Other', 'Order_tasks_by', 'name_AZ', 'name_ZA', 'date_added_newest_first', 'date_added_oldest_first', 'date_completed_newest_first', 'date_completed_oldest_first', '_complete_least_first', '_complete_most_first', 'Badge_shows', 'total_task_count', 'filtered_task_count', 'Connection', 'Please_note_that_QuickConnect_IDs_are_not_currently_supported', 'hostname_or_IP_address', 'Username', 'Password', 'Test_Connection_and_Save', 'Task_Display_Settings', 'Display_these_task_types_in_the_popup_menu', 'Miscellaneous', 'Notify_when_adding_downloads', 'Notify_when_downloads_complete', 'Check_for_completed_downloads_every', 'seconds', 'at_least_15', 'Handle_opening_downloadable_link_types_ZprotocolsZ', 'Debugging_Output', 'Clear_output', 'Cannot_save_settings_This_is_a_bug_please_file_an_issue', 'Testing_connection', 'Testing_connection_this_is_unusually_slow_is_your_NAS_asleep', 'Connection_successful', 'Connection_successful_but_may_interfere_with_existing_DSM_sessions_See_', 'issue_32', '_for_more_details', 'Connection_failure_missing_connection_configuration', 'Connection_failure_likely_wrong_protocol', 'Connection_failure_likely_wrong_hostnameport_no_internet_connection_or_invalid_certificate', 'Connection_failure_timeout_check_your_hostnameport_settings_and_internet_connection', 'Connection_failure_unknown_reason', 'Private_browsing_mode_is_not_currently_supported', 'Unknown_error_displaying_tasks', 'Your_download_tasks_are_not_affected', 'Please_', 'file_a_bug', '_and_include_the_information_below', 'Clear_ZcountZ_Completed_Tasks', 'Clear_tasks_that_are_completed_and_not_currently_uploading', 'Unknown_error', 'Invalid_parameter', 'The_requested_API_does_not_exist', 'The_requested_method_does_not_exist', 'The_requested_version_does_not_support_this_functionality', 'The_logged_in_session_does_not_have_permission', 'Session_timeout', 'Session_interrupted_by_duplicate_login', 'No_such_username_or_incorrect_password', 'Account_disabled', 'Permission_denied', 'Twostep_verification_needed', 'Twostep_verification_failed', 'File_upload_failed', 'Max_number_of_tasks_reached', 'Destination_denied', 'Destination_does_not_exist', 'Invalid_task_ID', 'Invalid_task_action', 'No_default_destination', 'Set_destination_failed', 'File_does_not_exist', 'Invalid_parameter_of_file_operation', 'Unknown_error_of_file_operation', 'System_is_too_busy', 'Invalid_user_does_this_file_operation', 'Invalid_group_does_this_file_operation', 'Invalid_user_and_group_does_this_file_operation', 'Cant_get_usergroup_information_from_the_account_server', 'Operation_not_permitted', 'No_such_file_or_directory', 'Nonsupported_file_system', 'Failed_to_connect_internetbased_file_system_ex_CIFS', 'Readonly_file_system', 'Filename_too_long_in_the_nonencrypted_file_system', 'Filename_too_long_in_the_encrypted_file_system', 'File_already_exists', 'Disk_quota_exceeded', 'No_space_left_on_device', 'Inputoutput_error', 'Illegal_name_or_path', 'Illegal_file_name', 'Illegal_file_name_on_FAT_file_system', 'Device_or_resource_busy', 'No_such_task_of_the_file_operation', 'Loading_directories', 'No_directories', 'Cannot_configure_settings_in_private_browsing', 'Adding_download', 'Adding_ZcountZ_downloads', 'ZcountZ_downloads_added', 'Failed_to_add_ZcountZ_downloads', 'ZsuccessZ_downloads_added_ZfailedZ_failed', 'Try_adding_downloads_individually_andor_checking_your_URLs_or_settings', 'No_downloadable_URLs_provided', and 'Please_be_patient_this_may_take_some_time'
      + expected - actual

      -  "Connection_failed_Likely_cause_wrong_hostnameport_no_internet_connection_or_invalid_certificate"
      -  "Connection_failed_Likely_cause_wrong_protocol"
      -  "Connection_failed_for_an_unknown_reason"
      -  "Connection_settings_are_not_configured"
      +  "Connection_failure_likely_wrong_hostnameport_no_internet_connection_or_invalid_certificate"
      +  "Connection_failure_likely_wrong_protocol"
      +  "Connection_failure_missing_connection_configuration"
      +  "Connection_failure_timeout_check_your_hostnameport_settings_and_internet_connection"
      +  "Connection_failure_unknown_reason"
      -  "Connection_timed_out_Check_your_hostnameport_settings_and_internet_connection"
      -  "No_default_destination_is_set_in_Download_Station_for_this_Synology_user"
      +  "No_default_destination"
      -  "URLs_to_download_one_per_line"
      +  "URL_to_download"

This means you have translations for the following unused phrases:

But you need translations for:

I recently rephrased these strings to make them clearer, so it makes sense that yours are out of date.

If you update your translations with these changes, it should be good to go!

damienmathe commented 4 years ago


I moved everything from my Windows box to my Mac laptop. I was able to to run yarn test aaaaaand… yup, the results are pretty similar. I really thought that my fork was up-to-date, but it wasn't.

Since then, my local repo is a bit messed up to my taste: did a merge, tried a rebase… And now I have a change log for almost every single file in the repo (when I should only have two).

I still have a lot to learn about the advanced features of Git, and to be really sure to give you something that's correct (I really, really don't want to waste your time), I'm going to do the following things:

Maybe these extra-steps are not necessary, but as I don't fully understand everything perfectly, I just want to be sure to deliver something that will not require much work from you. That was not the point, to begin with :-)

