seanwcom / Red-Graphite-for-Obsidian

A light theme for, based on's Red Graphite theme.
The Unlicense
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tree view style bug in Obsidian 1.3.5 #27

Open wzh-mei opened 1 year ago

wzh-mei commented 1 year ago

image After upgrading to version 1.3.5, the collapse icon is no longer aligned with the indent line, and its padding-left has bugs.

After changing the fonts, the issue remains, so I think it is not related with font.

joegibbbon commented 1 year ago

I've had the same issue, however, it only happens when in light mode

wzh-mei commented 1 year ago

provide a temporary dirty fix:

  1. add a css snippet named "fix_ob_rg_light_1.3.5.css" on vault/.obsidian/snippets, copy following code to it and save
    .theme-light .nav-file-title {
    padding: var(--nav-item-padding);
    .theme-light {
    --nav-item-padding: var(--size-4-1) var(--size-4-2) var(--size-4-1) var(--size-4-6);
  2. enable it on Options->Appearance->Css snippets

Not fully tested, doesn't find any side effects currently.

Antopsy commented 3 days ago

provide a temporary dirty fix:

  1. add a css snippet named "fix_ob_rg_light_1.3.5.css" on vault/.obsidian/snippets, copy following code to it and save
.theme-light .nav-file-title {
    padding: var(--nav-item-padding);
.theme-light {
  --nav-item-padding: var(--size-4-1) var(--size-4-2) var(--size-4-1) var(--size-4-6);
  1. enable it on Options->Appearance->Css snippets

Not fully tested, doesn't find any side effects currently.

Thank you very much for this fix. This theme is my absolute favorite and you saved me some nerve cells.