Table 3: Results (macro-F1-scores) for subtask A including short descriptions for each system. A “&” signifies a jointly trained Validity-Novelty-Predictor, a “|” sign validity and novelty predictions independent of each other.
Best novelty score achieved via the use of ConceptNet, a multilingual semantic network (Speer et al., 2017). The team constructed relationships between premises and conclusions using ConceptNet and ensured their semantic relatedness to the argument via [SBERT] ( ACCEPT-1
Shared Task Description (Argmining 2022 on Validity and novelty) Task Description Paper
Table 3: Results (macro-F1-scores) for subtask A including short descriptions for each system. A “&” signifies a jointly trained Validity-Novelty-Predictor, a “|” sign validity and novelty predictions independent of each other.