searchdiscovery / Apollo-Documentation-Xactly-Corp

An Apollo generated Event Driven Data Layer
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Visual CTAs #4

Open rossozburnsdi opened 1 year ago

rossozburnsdi commented 1 year ago

CTA Link Clicked

User clicks on the components that have an image to the left or right of the CTA

Example Screenshots:

Javascript Code

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
dataLayer.push({ event_data: null });  // Clear the previous event_data object.
  "event": "click",
  "detailed_event": "CTA Link Clicked",
    "event_data": {
        "component_title": "<component_title>",
        "component_type": "<component_type>",
        "identifier": "<identifier>",
        "link_text": "<link_text>",
        "link_url": "<link_url>",
        "outbound": <outbound>
rossozburnsdi commented 1 year ago

Tested on:

Use Case: clicked on the "Watch Now" button on the staging home page under the hero banner

Status: The majority looks good. Only concern is that outbound is set to "true" but the link doesn't take you from the site. It just opens a video viewer on the page. SDI will discuss if this needs to be changed


milind0299 commented 1 year ago

Hi @rossozburnsdi ,

Moving to SDI Review, please let us know for queries.


jerry-bennett commented 1 year ago

Tested on:

Use case: Clicked on each of the red CTA buttons on the homepage.

Status: Working as expected with some small anomalies. When clicking any of the CTA buttons there's a console log that displays the component_title value. Doesn't affect data or analytics so not a critical error, but I believe it's worth bringing up. Additionally there's a null data layer push before the actual data layer push. Outbound is showing up correctly though.



jerry-bennett commented 1 year ago

ROUND 2 QA: @rossozburnsdi

Tested on:

Use case: Clicked on each of the red CTA buttons on the homepage.

Status: Looking good! Seeing the data layer event and network call, seeing the tag fire in GTM as well.



rossozburnsdi commented 1 year ago


jerry-bennett commented 1 year ago

PROD QA: @rossozburnsdi

Tested on:

Use case: Clicked on the red CTA buttons on the homepage.

Status: Almost working, seems to work for every button except "request a demo" at the top right. @milind0299 would you be able to take a look at that?




rossozburnsdi commented 1 year ago

Tested on:

Use case: Clicked on the red CTA buttons on the homepage.

Status: Seeing this work
