searchdiscovery / Apollo-Documentation-Xactly-Corp

An Apollo generated Event Driven Data Layer
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Related Resources #7

Open rossozburnsdi opened 1 year ago

rossozburnsdi commented 1 year ago

CTA Link Clicked

User clicks on the Related Resources grid CTA button, i.e. "Get The Ebook", "Watch Now" , "View All Resources"

Example Screenshot:

Javascript Code

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
dataLayer.push({ event_data: null });  // Clear the previous event_data object.
  "event": "click",
  "detailed_event": "CTA Link Clicked",
    "event_data": {
        "component_title": "<component_title>",
        "component_type": "<component_type>",
        "identifier": "<identifier>",
        "link_text": "<link_text>",
        "link_url": "<link_url>",
        "outbound": <outbound>
milind0299 commented 1 year ago

Hi @rossozburnsdi ,

Moving to SDI Review, please let us know for queries.


jerry-bennett commented 1 year ago

Tested on:

Use case: Clicked on the "Get The Guide", and "Read Now" buttons on this page.

Status: Working as expected, however similar buttons on other pages are not firing. Not sure if they're meant to be tagged the same way. For example the CTA buttons on aren't firing any event at all. The buttons listed in the screenshot work great minus one null event firing before the actual data layer push.


milind0299 commented 1 year ago

Hi @jerry-bennett ,

As per the task mentioned above stating : User clicks on the Related Resources grid CTA button . Data layer events have been added only to those having a grid and cta button. Do we also need to work on other blocks that are not under Related resources grid structure. Please Confirm


jerry-bennett commented 1 year ago

Hey @milind0299

Yes if you'd like the buttons that are not part of the grid to be tracked as "CTA Link Clicked" they would need to be worked on separately. All depends on whether you want them tracked or not. The grid ones look great though!

milind0299 commented 1 year ago

Hi @jerry-bennett ,

I have added the event for other components as well. Please let us know for queries.


rossozburnsdi commented 1 year ago

@rossozburnsdi add additional context to other CTAs on the site that are missing tracking. i.e.



milind0299 commented 1 year ago

Hi @rossozburnsdi ,

This is fixed.


rossozburnsdi commented 1 year ago

Tested on:

Use case: Clicked on the "Get Started" buttons on this page.

Status: @milind0299 was this fixed just for the two pages we listed above or is this fixed for similar components through out the site? I tested on Build vs. Buy Sales Forecasting Solutions page and I'm not seeing any tracking. Seeing this work on the other pages


milind0299 commented 1 year ago

Hi @rossozburnsdi,

This should now be fixed, there was a slight mixing up of classes due to the wide structure difference on different pages which is an error from our end. I apologise for it. Please do let us know for queries.


jerry-bennett commented 1 year ago

ROUND 2 QA: @rossozburnsdi

Tested on:

Use case: Clicked on the 'Get Started' CTA button.

Status: Data layer is correct, and the GTM tag is firing correctly. Also seeing it in the network tab!



rossozburnsdi commented 1 year ago


jerry-bennett commented 1 year ago

PROD QA: @rossozburnsdi

Tested on:

Use case: Clicked on the 'related resources' icons at the bottom of the page.

Status: Looks great, seeing the correct data layer pushes and network calls.



rossozburnsdi commented 1 year ago

Testing URL:

Status: looks good
