searchdiscovery / Apollo-Documentation-Xactly-Corp

An Apollo generated Event Driven Data Layer
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Form Viewed #8

Open rossozburnsdi opened 1 year ago

rossozburnsdi commented 1 year ago

Form Viewed

User views any form on the site. Events will apply to all forms

Example Screenshot:

Javascript Code

window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
dataLayer.push({ event_data: null });  // Clear the previous event_data object.
  "event": "form_view",
  "detailed_event": "Form Viewed",
    "event_data": {
        "form_name": "<form_name>",
        "form_type": "<form_type>"
milind0299 commented 1 year ago

Hi @rossozburnsdi ,

Moving to SDI Review, please let us know for queries.


jerry-bennett commented 1 year ago

Tested on:

Use case: Tested both the "request demo" form and the "contact us" form by loading those pages without interacting with anything.

Status: Working as expected, event fires on the pages with the form and fires without me having to interact with the form. Unrelated to the analytics implementation, but on my end the "let's talk" form wouldn't load every time. When it didn't load I had to refresh to see the form.



milind0299 commented 1 year ago

Hi @jerry-bennett ,

We too are aware of the forms not being loaded even in the live and have to refresh. We have a separate development ticket to work which we will start after the data layers task.


jerry-bennett commented 1 year ago

ROUND 2 QA: @rossozburnsdi

Tested on:

Use case: Loaded page in GTM preview mode and accepted cookies.

Status: Working as expected! Both form_type and form_name are showing up correctly in the dataLayer push. Also seeing the tag fire in GTM. Also seeing the event in the network call.



rossozburnsdi commented 1 year ago


jerry-bennett commented 1 year ago

PROD QA: @rossozburnsdi

Tested on:

Use case: Loaded page

Status: Not working, seeing the correct data layer push but no network call.


rossozburnsdi commented 1 year ago

Tested on:

Use case: Loaded page

Status: Seeing the correct data layer push and network call.
