searchmarkers / mark-my-search

Search keyword highlighter for Firefox and Chromium
MIT License
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[Bug] lag on some pages? #124

Closed tmpm697 closed 1 year ago

tmpm697 commented 1 year ago


chromium --version: Chromium 114.0.5735.45 Arch Linux
mark my search: 1.13.7 -- latest
os: linux

steps to produce:

1. open new tab and type in address bar: aws_network_acl resource terraform
2. click on first page, should be like [this](
3. observe page long loading to display content, chromium sometime gives box asking to continue waiting for kill the tab --> tab not responding

note that the above issue happen sometime in busy work with multiple tab or randomly that i don't know, but it happens quite often for me.

i tried to find an option in settings to disable mark my search on a certain but not found or an option to not inherit search to a cerntain page.

ator-dev commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the report!

I can reproduce this in all browsers when a specific option is OFF. If I keep "CLASSIC" highlighting on, the page loads quickly. Could you check whether or not you have it enabled please?


I will do some more diagnosis, but it may take a while to release a fix, due to student work.

Edit: The options can be found by opening the extension popup (from the extensions icon). The setting should be ON by default.

tmpm697 commented 1 year ago

Yes, I used the experimental APIs option as it's critical to display searches with different colors.

ator-dev commented 1 year ago

Thanks again for reporting this, it's very much appreciated (:

Your issue led me down several rabbitholes, which showed me some severe deficiencies in the PAINT highlighting algorithm (the method used when "Use CLASSIC highlighting" is disabled). As such, I have made massive optimisations, some of which will affect regular users, making PAINT an extremely efficient approach. Your AWS page now loads instantly, and several other pages I stress-tested are almost without lag.

I have also fixed the scroll markers. They were not working properly due to an edge case on Chromium when using PAINT.

If you experience any more page freezes, please report them again, as they should not be happening!

Edit: Note that the update will not be released instantly. Please bear with me as I need to make sure I didn't break anything critical, especially since I merged with an unstable branch recently.

ator-dev commented 1 year ago

1.14.0 now live on Chrome Web Store. You should also notice that MMS loads a lot more quickly in general 🙂

tmpm697 commented 1 year ago

thanks, just tested, it's fast, but visibility when highlight search engine should default enabled? (both options)

ator-dev commented 1 year ago

I'm confused - do you mean the "Visibility when highlighting search engine keywords" options should be enabled by default?

"Highlights begin visible" means that if started from a search, highlights display at first (otherwise you can use the eye button or a shortcut to turn them on).

"Highlights are always visible on search pages" means that regardless of the above setting, highlights are always displayed on search pages.

tmpm697 commented 1 year ago

I meant this "Highlights are always visible on search pages" means that regardless of the above setting, highlights are always displayed on search pages.

Reading two options give a bit confuse, but I want it default just to highlight different colors right a way when using without toggle option in settings --> this can be most wanted if new users start using this plugin I assume.

ator-dev commented 1 year ago

(Quick note, I described the inverse of the first option, and have now edited)

I want it default just to highlight different colors

That should be true already. The default is that highlights are always shown at first ("Highlights begin visible" is on when installed). The 2nd option is only useful if the 1st one is off.

Was this not true when you installed?

tmpm697 commented 1 year ago

just checked, enable Highlights begin visible is enough and it seem it's enabled by default, don't know why last my last check I lose colors for a while and need to check both options.

Anyway it's good now, thanks for help.

ator-dev commented 1 year ago

Strange, thanks for verifying. I'll keep an eye on it (:

Since you mentioned the options being confusing, here's a preview of the new options page I am building. It's planned to release with support for better storage defaults and clearer options with tooltips.


By the way, please consider writing a review if you enjoy MMS. It has taken a lot of work and it will always be free. A positive review will help others to discover it.

Thank you for the help :slightly_smiling_face: