searchmarkers / mark-my-search

Search keyword highlighter for Firefox and Chromium
MIT License
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QOL Suggestions #136

Closed rokville closed 11 months ago

rokville commented 11 months ago

Here are a couple of thoughts, but I think they are related enough to keep them in a single post.

  1. A setting to keep the overlay toolbar always on and available

    • I'd like an option to keep the (collapsed) toolbar always available (ideally as that little sideways carrot) so if I want to quickly search the page (e.g., adding new terms - a new find request - no previous highlighting exists) - I can do it quickly, right on the page I'm reviewing. If there is a hotkey for this, I don't see it, but ideally it would be a setting in and of itself.
  2. Hotkey(s) to replace CTRL+F

    • Ideally, I would replace or substitute the use of CTRL+F (CMD+F) with a similar function that uses this shortcut. This plugin is ideal for "finding" in the page (especially for multiple terms), but muscle memory has me expecting a hotkey to execute the find, but I don't want FIREFOX's find, I want yours!
    • Maybe there are other hotkey ideas are out there (e.g., toggle highlighting)
  3. Facilitate deleting "find terms" in the toolbar

    • maybe just adding an "x" next to the edit button?
    • I like that, when you click edit (pencil icon), the cursor is moved the the field and the term is highlighted.
    • That's great for editing, but to delete you either have to
    • Click edit, move your mouse a variable distance (depending on the search term's length) to hit the trashcan or
    • Click edit, press delete key on keyboard, press enter on the keyboard, press escape on the keyboard, click back into the page.
ator-dev commented 11 months ago

Hi, thank you for the suggestions! You might have noticed a lapse of activity on this repo, and it's not because I'm not interested in continuing development, but because I burnt myself out and am taking a break to do some more creative things. However, I am certainly going to pick this up again - hopefully soon (:

1: Sure, this wouldn't be a problem. As of reviewing this, I realised that when the toolbar is "collapsed", you have to press the button or the configured shortcut to begin entering terms. A good QOL improvement would be expanding it automatically when you press Alt+. (to focus the + button).

2: This should be available already, as Alt+M by default. It activates the add-on on the current page, with the + button focused. Is this what you're asking for?




rokville commented 11 months ago

Thank you for your reply and your hard work on this plugin. I did see you were taking a break and I hope you take all the time you need!

  1. Thanks for considering it. Knowing about ALT+M will help with this for now.
  2. Thank you for pointing out ALT+M, that's exactly what I wanted. My apologies if that's noted somewhere obvious and I missed it.
  3. That right click trick is great to address my personal pain point and agree that an introduction would be helpful. honestly, I use this plugin all the time and I don't really know how to use the modal that pops down from the plugin icon.
ator-dev commented 11 months ago

No worries, I'm glad it's useful for you! Happy to help with regard to suggestions.

You may have originally installed an older version of the extension; these days MMS shows a helpful message about the shortcut to use on the startpage. No worries if you missed it though.


The popup modal is far from essential, but it contains two useful settings and some quick links (as well as advanced functionality: site filtering and auto-inserting keywords). Everything's getting a visual refresh and more customisation, when I get around to finishing the update (:

ator-dev commented 11 months ago

Since your problems were addressed, I'm closing as completed, with the expectation that accessibility of features will be improved. I am happy to reopen it if someone is interested in the additional setting. Let me know if that's you :slightly_smiling_face: