searchturbine / phpwee-php-minifier

Open-source (BSD) PHP inline minifier functions for HTML, XHTML, HTML5, CSS 1-3 and Javascript.
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Conflict with natxet\CssMin #10

Open clemgrim opened 8 years ago

clemgrim commented 8 years ago

In my project I incllude this library and natxet\CssMin with composer

I have this error when calling PhpWee\Minify::html($html);

 PHP Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to aCssMinifierFilter::__construct() must be an instance of CssMinifier, instance of PHPWee\\CssMinifier given, called in [...]/vendor/searchturbine/phpwee-php-minifier/src/CssMin/CssMin.php on line 1994 and defined in [...]/vendor/natxet/CssMin/src/CssMin.php on line 250

Can you please add CssMin and JsMin as composer dependencies instead of making a code copy ? I think it will be a better practice