seas-computing / course-planner

SEAS Course Planning Application. JSDoc Docs at:
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Faculty Page: "Download Report" button #641

Closed jonseitz closed 1 year ago

jonseitz commented 1 year ago

This feature must have fallen off our specification, but the old course planner had a feature to download a spreadsheet with all of the faculty data, similar to what exists for the courses data. Patrick Ulrich sent me an email requesting that this be added, as the spreadsheet is a little easier to parse for some tasks.

For the frontend, this should be functionally identical to the Course Report Download process:

  1. User clicks the "Download Report" button
  2. Modal Opens
  3. User selects a year range and clicks "Download"
  4. Report downloads

It looks like we should be able to re-use the existing ReportDownloadModal component (with some modification to the onClick behavior) and an additional method to the ReportsService to process the faculty data.

The relevant code from the original course planner is on github.huit for reference, but as with the Courses report we should't need to include any of the extra formatting that was used there (colored cells, frozen rows, etc.)

Testing-wise, I think we can also follow the example of the Courses Report tests and limit our testing to the "boundaries" of the data -- Does it include a row for every faculty member? Does it cover the correct year range? -- and rely more on manual review of the generated report for confirming that it's showing everything, as excel data is just tricky to parse and check programmatically.