seas-computing / course-planner

SEAS Course Planning Application. JSDoc Docs at:
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Show "Check Availability" for all non-seas rooms #659

Closed rmainwork closed 1 year ago

rmainwork commented 1 year ago

Any rooms not managed by SEAS were assumed to be FAS. However, given the possible usage of HBS, Longwood etc. rooms in the future....adding a special case for each campus would quickly become unmanagable. Add to that the fact that HBS is technically in Allston.

Therefore, any non-seas rooms are now part of a ficticious "Non-SEAS" campus in the campus table rather than creating special cases for each Harvard school. This still allows the room to be booked, but under the proviso of "We don't have any availability for this room, so you should double check with room book"

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Related Issues:

Fixes #596