seathasky / FF14-MAC_ModSupport

Alternative method of running FFXIV on Mac with Mod Support.
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Gshade doesn't work #18

Closed JanHantschke closed 2 years ago

JanHantschke commented 2 years ago

I installed everything with your Guide and made all the patches when asked in the install script. After I got everything working I tried to install Gshade with the linux install script. I did all the steps and did the dll overrides in the wine settings in crossover. I even checked my installations via the shade install script and my ffxiv installation is marked green so everything should be fine. But when I first tried to launch the game the following error appeared

Bildschirmfoto 2021-11-14 um 21 13 12

(translated it says something like: The game could not be started, please report this error)

After that I started it again and no error appeared and the game launched, but when I press "shift + F2" to open the Gshade installation nothing happens, I check that the f keys are used and not the function keys (like turn brightness up) and even tried a external keyboard but nothing worked. Also every time I launch XIVlauncher via crossover the launcher title switches from "wine on linux" to "wine on Mac" and I have to do the patches via your install.command again to revert it back to "wine on linux", because I need to use my windows license. I hope you can help me, and thanks for your time :)

seathasky commented 2 years ago

Marzent will text you on discord