I'm getting the following error when I try to install ZenTest 4.8.4:
Invalid gemspec in [/path/to/file/ZenTest-4.8.4.gemspec]: Illformed requirement ["< 2.1, >= 1.8"]
I couldn't find your gemspec file in the repo, otherwise I would've made a pull request, but the line that is the problem is line 7 in the gemspec in the Gem::Requirements.new call. It should be formatted as follows:
s.required_rubygems_version = Gem::Requirement.new(["< 2.1",">= 1.8"]) if s.respond_to? :required_rubygems_version=
I'm getting the following error when I try to install ZenTest 4.8.4:
I couldn't find your gemspec file in the repo, otherwise I would've made a pull request, but the line that is the problem is line 7 in the gemspec in the
call. It should be formatted as follows:http://rubygems.rubyforge.org/rubygems-update/Gem/Requirement.html#method-c-new