When `--backtrace` is on and `Time.parse` is used to dynamically generate the name of an example, `autotest` is unable to re-run the failing specs because the first argument to `rspec` is malformed. #60
This is the weirdest rspec/autotest bug I have seen. I'm not sure if the bug is in autotest or in part of rspec; it's beyond my RSpec-fu to narrow it down that far. I had opened this as an issue on rspec-dev, but @JonRowe looked into it and believes it's an autotest issue.
When I try to dynamically generate the name of an example for 'specify' by calling Time.parse, and that example fails, autotest is unable to successfully re-run rspec because it mangles the command line arguments
BUT, if the --backtrace option is removed from .rspec, the problem goes away
OR, if the call to Time.parse is removed from the spec file, the problem also goes away.
This is the weirdest rspec/autotest bug I have seen. I'm not sure if the bug is in autotest or in part of rspec; it's beyond my RSpec-fu to narrow it down that far. I had opened this as an issue on rspec-dev, but @JonRowe looked into it and believes it's an autotest issue.
A minimal and heavily documented test case to reproduce it is at http://github.com/armandofox/rspec-backtrace
In a nutshell: