Closed wuhgit closed 2 years ago
hi, this is also happening on Android 10 gplay beta channel (inoreader account, all feeds affected). Hope you have time to look into it.
Thanks for the awesome features combination.
Same problem with v3.17.1 on Android 11 and my feeds from a ttrss instance.
升级到 3.17.2 后仍旧没解决blockquote的问题,加上我刚刚提到的标题乱码,这是不是 Inoreader 那边的 API 出现了变动?
Another problem is that when synchronizing the article list recently, there is a certain chance that the title of an article will be encoded in the form of &#XXXX, but the title is displayed normally when I click to read the content.
After upgrading to 3.17.2, the blockquote problem is still not resolved, and the garbled title problem just mentioned. Is this the API of Inoreader changed?
issuethank you, 3.17.3 apk works for bq
Fixed for me too. Thanks a lot. 👍
Thanks! blockquote fixed! I'll close this issue.
* backquote fixed in `3.17.3`. * checking `&#xxx;` issue
最近几天通过某新闻事件发现了规律,如果标题中含有 & 这个符号,就会造成标题变成 &#XXXX 形式的编码,不知道这是否有助于排查问题所在。
In recent days, I discovered through a news event that if the title contains the & symbol, it will cause the title to become a code in the form of &#XXXX. I don’t know if this helps to troubleshoot this problem.
突然又想起,上次反馈这个问题一直都忘记附图了 😅 我目前只缓存了500篇文章,这会从里面找到了几个列表标题和正文标题做了一个对应,我猜测应该是某几个符号在列表标题的转义出现了问题
If you have new update, reopen it.
最近发现一个问题,如果订阅的文章有 blockquote 这样的引用内容,FeedMe 不会显示里面的内容,而是以一段空白代替。
这篇内容在 Inoreader 网页端可以正常显示,但在 FeedMe 中,只有
<p>blockquote 显示测试:</p>
有内容,后续为引用标签内容则是大段的空白。FeedMe 版本是 3.17.1 Android 版本是 11 (2020-10-05安全更新)