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Does not work on FreshRSS #515

Open githupper opened 1 year ago

githupper commented 1 year ago

Tried using FreshRSS and Fever. Both allows me to login but unable to sync subscriptions and as such, no feeds are pulled.

Reinstalled and clear storage doesn't help.

Test using Read You's Fever implementation and it is working.

Please help to check what may have cause the issue.


seazon commented 1 year ago

@githupper can you mail me and provide an account on your freshrss to test? Ok from my freshrss.

githupper commented 1 year ago

Hi @seazon ,

Thanks for the offer to help. Unfortunately my FreshRSS is hosted by myself and was setup to allow only connectivity via my WireGuard VPN. As such, I am unable to provide a test account for you to try. My apologies as I understand it can be difficult to reproduce any such issue without a proper test account.

On a good note, I see that not only me but other users also having issues with using FreshRSS with FeedMe at this point. I'm not saying its the same issue but you may have some clue from their bug report. On my end, I am not using FeedMe but Feeder at this point to consume RSS locally.

I will try and install FeedMe at a later date next week and see if I can pull a logcat report that may be more useful for you to troubleshoot. Please feel free to close this issue and work on the bug reports by other FreshRSS users first.

Thank you again for the generosity in the help!

seazon commented 1 year ago Please check if same to this issue

seazon commented 1 year ago

@githupper please try with 4.0.0-Canary-1

githupper commented 1 year ago

Hi @seazon.

Sorry for the lateness. I just installed the 4.0.0-Canary-1 and the same issue persisted. I checked that there are existing articles in FreshRSS. Please do let me know if there is any way to obtain any logs for this as I am without a computer for a while.

Thank you

seazon commented 1 year ago

It means that the problem you encountered is different from 516. I need more info about your issue to try to solve it.

githupper commented 1 year ago

Hi. I think I can replicate the issue reliably now.

If I clear storage, then uninstall Feedme, reinstall from APK, setup my preferred settings and try to sync, it will fail to sync. Even if I undo my preferred changes, it will refuse to sync.

If I clear storage, then uninstall Feedme, reinstall from APK but don't make any changes this time and sync, it will sync successfully with FreshRSS. Once I manage to sync, I can make my preferred changes and still able to sync after that.

At least this is what happen when I install Feedme multiple times to troubleshoot.

So as of right now, Feedme canary is working properly for me using the above "fix"

seazon commented 1 year ago

Can you list your preferred setting changes?

githupper commented 1 year ago

Under Sync: Autosync: Disable Sync on App launch: On

Under Traffic, All switch on except for Download images when sync on Wifi and Download images when read on Wifi

Sync mode: Set to All

Advanced: Download images at sync is On Download webpage at sync is Off Download podcast is Off Layout is Vision or Card

Reading List: 10000 Starred List: 0 Items to keep: 0

Auto Mark Read: On Accent: Some random value Feed Color is On Pull to refresh: Hide read items and sync Swipe Left to Right: Share Swipe Right to Left: Share Enable Audio: Disable BBKey Quick Action: Disable

The above are the settings I always change for Feedme.

pilipalaooo commented 1 year ago

@seazon 您好,我也遇到相同情况,并按上述所说重新安装后不做任何操作进行同步的方法恢复了。想提供一下当时操作情况以便您排查问题:发生此情况是在调整tts播放设置的速度后重新右滑播放文章导致闪退,再打开应用原同步的文章全部消失,进行同步也未有新的文章出现。

rvalle commented 5 months ago

I just installed FeedMe, considering to adopt it in tandem with FreshRSS.

So, I configured FeedMe with the FreshRSS demo site/account. (

The first trial experience is very poor. After setting up the account, I sync, but no article is downloaded, I add another feed from the app and I can see on the server that it was added, still no articles are synced.

The only way to get an article in FeedMe client is if I star it on the server, then it is synced down.

Still, images dont show up for those articles. There seems to be settings everywhere about images, but change all to sync images does not change anything, still no images are shown in any.

I dont know if there are underlying bugs or settings need adjusting, but I recommend to run a similar test.