sebader / azureiotedge-azfunctions

Example for Azure Functions that can be used as IoT Edge modules
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Iot Edge on Raspberry PI #2

Open jfellien opened 6 years ago

jfellien commented 6 years ago

Hi @seb-dataworks ,

did you tried to run your samples on a raspberry PI already? For a couple of days I try to run Functions in generally but in all cases I get errors or no response from Functions. Maybe you can help me. ;-)

BR Janek

sebader commented 6 years ago

Hi @jfellien, I currently don't have a RasPi around, so couldn't test this. But if you suspect there is a general issue, I would recommend to head over to Stackoverflow and post a question with the tag #azure-iot-edge I know that engineering is watching that one closely and should be able to help you.