sebanc / brunch

Boot ChromeOS on x86_64 PC - Supports Intel CPU/GPU from 8th gen or AMD Ryzen
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Support for Intel Core2Duo #1215

Open pragalathu4137 opened 2 years ago

pragalathu4137 commented 2 years ago

Sebanc , I am a typical 15 year old boy. My Parents wont buy me a phone . I have a pc and a laptop . Laptop has pentium core but 2gb ram . the pc has 4gb ram but core2duo. So my laptop was to laggy and playstore wasnt even working because of low ram. if i install chrome os on 4gb ram pc it may work. please i am requesting you . create support for core2duo. i dont have a choice . i need it for using whatsapp for online class . i dont have a phone

hiringManager commented 2 years ago

It's very unlikely that will be supported. The reason is that there would be a lot of work necessary to 'fill in the gaps' in the software to get those cpus working. If this was an official Google Project, it would happen. Unfortunately, it is not.

Here are some alternatives. You could use CloudReady with 'whatsapp' on the web if that works for you. I use a core 2 duo iMac 2GB with that cpu architecture (one generation prior to gen 1 rebranding) and it runs quite well.

You may also consider using 'Whatsdesk' in Linux, an unofficial client for it. I would recommend using MX Linux or Lubuntu if you take this route as they are both very light OS's.

Worst case scenario, is you can hack together something in Linux eventually, and you'll learn a lot in the process. (Android emulation in Anbox or Genymotion is actually pretty easy).

Where there is a will, there is a way. Good luck, man.

pragalathu4137 commented 2 years ago

so hey . thanks for the suggestion . so i need chrome os so that i can run whatsapp without scanning the qr code for login , cause i dont have a phone . its okay though . i ran cloud ready its nice but i cant install whatsapp in it because it doesnt have play store support

prasys commented 2 years ago

@pragalathu4137 - You can get whatsapp from apkmirror and you can install the apk to it... Alternatively there are heaps of instructions available on how to get Play Store to work with cloud ready. This way you can get whatsapp to work pretty well

Hope this helps

hiringManager commented 2 years ago

@pragalathu4137 - You can get whatsapp from apkmirror and you can install the apk to it... Alternatively there are heaps of instructions available on how to get Play Store to work with cloud ready. This way you can get whatsapp to work pretty well

Hope this helps

Can you link me to some good info on this? I can't seem to find any decent information on it.

prasys commented 2 years ago

@hiringManager - Here's the link - it shows for how to install apks for chromeost... Now I am not too sure about CloudReady - since it's chromium-based and i am assuming that it has android under the hood to do stuff - it should work

If not, @pragalathu4137 can look at Android x86 project. It would work the best - give Android x86 project a go. It runs on Core 2 duo - and there is even a 32-bit version. Since all you need is to use Whatsapp and do work - Android x86 should able to handle most of that pretty well


princepjamie06832 commented 2 years ago

Read more information regarding to unsupported processors. #1258