sebanc / brunch

Boot ChromeOS on x86_64 PC - Supports Intel CPU/GPU from 8th gen or AMD Ryzen
GNU General Public License v3.0
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No text to add to grub after ChromeOS installation #1315

Open aqn104 opened 2 years ago

aqn104 commented 2 years ago

Following Sebanc installation instruction from this website below:

"To boot directly from this image file, add the lines between stars to either:

menuentry "ChromeOS (settings)" --class "brunch-settings" { rmmod tpm img_part=/dev/sda8 img_path=/chromos.img search --no-floppy --set=root --file $img_path loopback loop $img_path source (loop,12)/efi/boot/settings.cfg linux (loop,7)/kernel boot=local noresume noswap loglevel=7 options= chromeos_bootsplash= edit_brunch_config=1 \ cros_secure cros_debug loop.max_part=16 img_part=$img_part img_path=$img_path initrd (loop,7)/lib/firmware/amd-ucode.img (loop,7)/lib/firmware/intel-ucode.img (loop,7)/initramfs.img }

If you have Ubuntu or Linux Mint installed, you can create the grub config automatically by running the below command:

echo -e '#!/bin/sh\nexec tail -n +3 $0\n\n\n\n'"$(sed '1,4d;$d' $(realpath "/root/tmpmount/chromos.img").grub.txt)" | sudo tee /etc/grub.d/99_brunch && sudo chmod 0755 /etc/grub.d/99_brunch && sudo update-grub

Copy the above grub menu entry in grub customizer"

SupraLance commented 2 years ago

I don't see anything wrong. The part to be copied into grub is there, above the 'If you have ubuntu/mint installed' line. The 'echo....sudo update-grub' part below that is to be used in the terminal only if you are working in ubuntu/mint that is installed to your hard drive.

ksoham622 commented 2 years ago

I just tried to install to Chrome OS by following steps in the given readme but there was not Chrome OS.grub.txt where there was img so I don't know what to do.Please someone help

MDHACKER555MD commented 2 months ago
