sebanc / brunch

Boot ChromeOS on x86_64 PC - Supports Intel CPU/GPU from 8th gen or AMD Ryzen
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Move #1495

Open ahmed-tasaly opened 2 years ago

ahmed-tasaly commented 2 years ago

Aloha there, I would Like to ask : How can I move the img file from a partition to another thanks in advance

ouija commented 2 years ago

you should be able to simply move it, and update the grub.cfg to point to the new location of the img file (update /new/path/to/chromeos.img in the example config below to the location the chromeos.img file has been moved):

menuentry "ChromeOS" --class "brunch" {
    search --no-floppy --set=root --file /new/path/to/chromeos.img
    loopback loop /new/path/to/chromeos.img
    source (loop,12)/efi/boot/settings.cfg
    if [ -z $verbose ] -o [ $verbose -eq 0 ]; then
        linux (loop,7)$kernel boot=local noresume noswap loglevel=7 options=$options chromeos_bootsplash=$chromeos_bootsplash $cmdline_params \
            cros_secure cros_debug loop.max_part=16 img_uuid=06fd18e4-0930-4c0d-892a-63cb1b06ce5a img_path=/new/path/to/chromeos.img \
            console= vt.global_cursor_default=0 brunch_bootsplash=$brunch_bootsplash quiet
        linux (loop,7)$kernel boot=local noresume noswap loglevel=7 options=$options chromeos_bootsplash=$chromeos_bootsplash $cmdline_params \
            cros_secure cros_debug loop.max_part=16 img_uuid=06fd18e4-0930-4c0d-892a-63cb1b06ce5a img_path=/new/path/to/chromeos.img
    initrd (loop,7)/lib/firmware/amd-ucode.img (loop,7)/lib/firmware/intel-ucode.img (loop,7)/initramfs.img

EDIT: Don't quote me on this, however. I've never moved the .img file from outside of the root of the parition I have it install on, but I'm assuming this is correct...

ahmed-tasaly commented 2 years ago

I want to move it to another partition not another folder in the same partition sda7 to sda8 it gave me this error IMG_20220404_150407

ouija commented 2 years ago

It may have something to do with the img_uuid needing to be updated after copying the image to the new parition.