sebanc / brunch

Boot ChromeOS on x86_64 PC - Supports Intel CPU/GPU from 8th gen or AMD Ryzen
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Turn of eCryptfs on brunch chromeOS for userdata #1880

Open madhits opened 1 year ago

madhits commented 1 year ago


Is it possible to turn off encryption on userdata? I wonder about this because Ive had 2x installs of brunch on different machines and ended up with my system crashing and unable to boot. If encryption was not present i could easily recover the data. But since it is i cant unless i want to use a complex procedure of booting a ubuntu install and trying to decrypt the data to get access.

  1. The other idea i had was instead of turning off encryption that I could instead re-partition part of the internal drive to be a different partition type like ext3 or even a NTFS and store my data there which would be outside of chromeos hold but still on the same drive. If I wanted to do that after a fresh single install of chromeos how do i do that? I'm more of a windows user and i know there are no partition managers on chromeos, so ill assume i need to do this from a live linux or could i do it from linux within chromeos? I don't want to mess up my fresh install and i know ill need to re-size part of the install to do this, is that even possible without causing boot up issues? Let me know I'm familiar with gparted but Ive never re-sized a chrome install.
FurriousFox commented 10 months ago
  1. another idea that is likely way more reliable is making backups regularly (especially before doing dangerous actions that can cause your system to become crashing and unable to boot, like updating, trying weird stuff with partitions, trying stuff that you suspect might do unexpected things)