sebanc / brunch

Boot ChromeOS on x86_64 PC - Supports Intel CPU/GPU from 8th gen or AMD Ryzen
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Note about removing TPM grub module #1999

Open piperov opened 5 months ago

piperov commented 5 months ago

While installing BRUNCH in a partition (instead of whole disk) recently, I discovered that the presence of a TPM module in the machine can lead to a failure in the loopback mounting due to a well-known bug in grub2

The proposed PR adds a note about that fact, and a work-around it for BRUNCH

I have only tested this on a Debian 12 Linux install. If testing on other Linux flavors is needed/requested, I can try Rocky9 (a popular RH9/CentOS9 derivative). No Windows testing on my side though - I have no such computers.

piperov commented 5 months ago

The work-around documented in this PR works fine on a DELL 5285 2-in-1 laptop/tablet which has Debian 12 installed on 3 partitions ('/boot/', '/' and swap), and a 4th partition (formatted with ext4) dedicated to BRUNCH.

I installed brunch119/chromeos119, then upgraded to brunch120/chromeos120 via the PWA. Works as expected.

tejasraman commented 3 months ago

While installing BRUNCH in a partition (instead of whole disk) recently, I discovered that the presence of a TPM module in the machine can lead to a failure in the loopback mounting due to a well-known bug in grub2

The proposed PR adds a note about that fact, and a work-around it for BRUNCH

I have only tested this on a Debian 12 Linux install. If testing on other Linux flavors is needed/requested, I can try Rocky9 (a popular RH9/CentOS9 derivative). No Windows testing on my side though - I have no such computers.

This is definitely useful - on my desktop I have the same issue but it should be integrated into the installer script if anything...

piperov commented 3 months ago

I did NOT propose to integrate it into the installer, as I have not tested it in all possible situations. Maybe it breaks something on other hardware configurations - I cannot tell.

That's why I only propose to mention this as a possible work around in the documentation at this stage. But - yes, I agree that it should be part of the installation process.