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Boot ChromeOS on x86_64 PC - Supports Intel CPU/GPU from 8th gen or AMD Ryzen
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Getting boot errors, please help! #2034

Open Elisworlddeve opened 3 months ago

Elisworlddeve commented 3 months ago

Hey there everyone! Lemme just start by saying that I have no idea what I'm doing, the only experience I have with Linux is dual booting it with my windows 11. I followed a video tutorial, then later redid it by following the tutorial in the markdown file to dual boot chrome os and windows. I did everything correctly and it seemed like it was working until I got to the first boot itself where it gave me these 4 errors:


I have literally everything disabled like the tutorial says to have disbales and have checked multiple issues on here with their solutions but nothing works. Can someone please help me? I've been trying to figure this out for the past week and I'm really starting to get frustrated -Eli IMG_20240309_182454

Elisworlddeve commented 3 months ago

Also if it's important I used WSL windows to do this and my PC is there Inspiron 15 17100305521251863189953660624888