sebanc / brunch

Boot ChromeOS on x86_64 PC - Supports Intel CPU/GPU from 8th gen or AMD Ryzen
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Pixelbook2013 #2063

Open enK1LL opened 2 months ago

enK1LL commented 2 months ago

Hello sry for this post but can someone provide any help ? My problem is that I managed to install Samus recovery r91 and brunch r91 , installed Linux envoirement , installed Linux apps , everything works nice even Netflix through chrome Linux app and assistant native , but my problem is that I can't get to work the touchscreen and the touchpad .... So if any1 can provide me with some info in how to fix this I would much apreciate it also what recovery and brunch can I install latest I mean. Thank you !

UPDATE: touchscreen and touchpad working as intended by manufacturer no bugs etc , I have managed to build against r91 recovery with the r110 brunch but the machine runs very hot , touchscreen and touchpad started working after I have made a live usb of fydeos for link and booted to login , I think that my kernel got somehow updated in that process of starting the live usb fydeos because everything works but Linux kde stopped and Google chrome won't play Netflix anymore it says that I need to upgrade PC worked fine before though