First of all, congrats for this brilliant solution., which allows me to istall debian on a MS surface go 2 without using an usb adapter and messing with partitions.
Anyway, please note that your script in wsl2 generates a wrong custom code for grub2win, which does not point to the right partition.
Please note that /dev/nvme0n1p3 is the "normal" windows data partition (at least for my Surface go 2) because I placed the .img file in the Downloads folder without creating any special partition and /Users/Utente/Downloads/debian.img is the path to such file.
Now I will test chrome OS in the same way and eventually report the custom code that suits to my device.
First of all, congrats for this brilliant solution., which allows me to istall debian on a MS surface go 2 without using an usb adapter and messing with partitions.
Anyway, please note that your script in wsl2 generates a wrong custom code for grub2win, which does not point to the right partition.
The right one is the following
Please note that /dev/nvme0n1p3 is the "normal" windows data partition (at least for my Surface go 2) because I placed the .img file in the Downloads folder without creating any special partition and /Users/Utente/Downloads/debian.img is the path to such file.
Now I will test chrome OS in the same way and eventually report the custom code that suits to my device.
Thanks as usual.