sebastian-philipp / StringMap

Haskell Project to convert the PrefixTree of the Holumbus into it's own Hackage Packet
MIT License
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merge union and unionWith #4

Open sebastian-philipp opened 10 years ago

sebastian-philipp commented 10 years ago

What about:

union :: Monoid a => StringMap a -> StringMap a -> StringMap a

the current union uses const as the combination function. Instead, we should use Monoid a, because Monoid is in my opintion a perfect match for this problem.

UweSchmidt commented 10 years ago

A reason against this is, we then don't have the same interface as Data.Map.

A switch from

import qualified Data.Map as M
type MyMap v = M.Map String v


import qualified Data.StringMap as M
type MyMap v = M.StringMap v

should always be possible without changing anything else.

sebastian-philipp commented 10 years ago