Closed petervallebo closed 9 years ago
Good job.
You might want to consider using the pipe oparator (%>%
) when you're using verbs from dplyr
. I think it makes for much more readable code.
I like your approach for question 7 although I think you're going about it in a slightly inefficient way (see my solution). I think you might want to use css selectors instead of xpath. See my lecture slides.
Nice use of the cumsum
library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(readr) library(zoo) library(countrycode) library(stringr) library(ggmap) library(rvest) library(gsubfn)
Read in the data
df = read_csv("")
Question 1: Create a new dataframe of the stock of paintings at MOMA for each month in the year.
stock_month = summarise( group_by(df,Month_acquired),n=n()) stock_month$stock=cumsum(stock_month$n)
Question 2: Use ggplot2 and your new data frame to plot the the stock of paintings on the y-axis and the date on the x-axis.
what kind of geom do you think is appropriate? why?
- geom_line, since a line graph is good at visualising the movement in stocks
color the geom you have chosen red
add a title and custom axis labels
p = ggplot(stock_month, aes(x=as.numeric(Month_acquired), y=stock)) + geom_line(aes(colour='red')) p + labs(x='Time', y='Number of paintings in stock',title='Number of paintings in stock over time') + theme_minimal() +theme(legend.position="none")
Question 3: Create the same plot but this time the color should reflect the stock of paintings
for curator approved and non-curator approved paintings, respectively
stock_month2 = summarise( group_by(df, CuratorApproved ,Month_acquired),n=n()) stock_month2 = mutate(group_by(stock_month2,CuratorApproved), stock=cumsum(n))
p = ggplot(stock_month2, aes(x=as.numeric(Month_acquired), y=stock, group=CuratorApproved)) + geom_line(aes(color=CuratorApproved)) p + labs(x='Time', y='Number of paintings in stock by curator approved or not',title='Number of paintings in stock over time') + theme_minimal()
Question 4: Create a new dataframe of the stock of paintings grouped by what department the painting belongs to.
stock_month3 = summarise( group_by(df, Department ,Month_acquired),n=n()) stock_month3 = mutate(group_by(stock_month3,Department), stock=cumsum(n))
Question 5: Plot this data frame using ggplot2. Which department has had the highest increase in their stock of paintings?
p = ggplot(stock_month3, aes(x=as.numeric(Month_acquired), y=stock, group=Department)) + geom_line(aes(color=Department)) p + labs(x='Time', y='Number of paintings in stock by department',title='Number of paintings in stock over time') + theme_minimal()
Prins and illustrated books have had the largest increase in their collection.
Question 6: Write a piece of code that counts the number of paintings by each artist in the dataset.
List the 10 painters with the highest number of paintings in MOMA's collection.
artist = df %>% filter(!,Artist!='Unknown photographer',Artist!='') %>% group_by(Artist) %>% summarise(n=n()) %>% arrange(desc(n))
Question 7: The variable ArtistBio lists the birth place of each painter. Use this information to create a world map
where each country is colored according to the stock of paintings in MOMA's collection.
Step 1: First we scrape adjectival names of countries from wikipedia
url <- "" scrape <- url %>% html() %>% html_nodes(xpath='//*[@id="mw-content-text"]/table[1]') %>% html_table(fill=TRUE) scrape <- scrape[[1]]
cn <- select(scrape,
Country name
, Adjectivals)Corrections to the scraped data are added
Country name
[94] = "Great Britain" cn$Country name
[115] = "Ireland" cn$Country name
[119] = "Ivory Coast" cn$Country name
[195] = "USSR" cn$Country name
[251] = "United Kingdom" cn$Country name
[252] = "United States"cn$
Country name
<- (str_split_fixed(cn$Country name
, ",", n=3)[,1])Creating references
Country name
[1] = "United States" cn$Adjectivals[1] = "U"cn$
Country name
[2] = "South Africa" cn$Adjectivals[2] = "South"cn$
Country name
[4] = "New Zealand" cn$Adjectivals[4] = "New"cn$
Country name
[11] = "Yugoslavia" cn$Adjectivals[4] = "Yugoslav"cn$Adjectivals[85:87] ="nonamefrench" cn$Adjectivals[94] = "British" cn$Adjectivals[129] = "Korean" cn$Adjectivals[168] = "Dutch" cn$Adjectivals[169] = "newcaldonian" cn$Adjectivals[209] = "Scottish"
cn$Adjectivals[222:224] ="nonamesouthies" cn$Adjectivals[252] = "American"
cn$Adjectivals <- (str_split_fixed(cn$Adjectivals, ",", n=3)[,1]) cn$Adjectivals <- (str_split_fixed(cn$Adjectivals, " or ", n=3)[,1])
Step 2:
We extract adjectivals from the artist bio. regex could be better - but I'm not completely familiar with it yet
Furthermore a charmatch() would be usefull, it is though not supported in my version of RStudio.
df$Adjectivals <- str_extract(df$ArtistBio, "[A-Z][a-z]*")
-------------This could be used for having three options of matches, I just do not know how to combine them with left join------
cn$part1 <- (str_split_fixed(cn$Adjectivals, ",", n=3)[,1])
cn$part2 <- (str_split_fixed(cn$Adjectivals, ",", n=3)[,2])
cn$part3 <- (str_split_fixed(cn$Adjectivals, ",", n=3)[,3])
Step 3: Preparing for maps
Combining the two, we get something that can be read in maps.
dfmaps <- left_join(df, cn, by = "Adjectivals")
mapsum= dfmaps %>% group_by(
Country name
) %>% summarise(n=n())world = map_data("world")
mapsum$region = mapsum$
Country name
Step 4: Plot
p = ggplot(world2, aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group)) + geom_polygon(aes(fill = world2$n)) + scale_fill_gradient(trans = "log") + # Can be used to see the difference, and check that each vountry is actually represented expand_limits() + theme_minimal() plot(p)
I think a better solution would be to have all countries plotted, as one country having 1 contribution isn't a lot different from 0.
I do not know how to do this in maps.
Question 8: The Dimensions variable lists the dimensions of each painting. Use your data manipulation skills to calculate
the area of each painting (in cm's). Create a data frame of the five largest and five smallest paintings in
MOMA's collection.
Make two varibles from the dimesions -> muliply to area -> sort by area -> use head and tail functions to find largest and smallest 5
df$test=substring(df$Dimensions,first=str_locate(pattern = '"',df$Dimensions)[,1]+1) df$test2=str_trim(str_replace_all(df$test,pattern = '[( cm ")]', " ")) head(df$test2)
df$dim1=as.numeric(substring(df$test2,first=1,last=str_locate(df$test2,pattern="x")[,1]-1)) head(df$dim1) # First dimension
df$dim2=as.numeric(substring(df$test2,first=str_locate(df$test2,pattern="x")[,1]+1)) head(df$dim2) # Second dimenstion
df$area = df$dim1 * df$dim2 # Calculates area
Dataframe with the five largest
Largest = head(arrange(df,desc(area)),n=5)
Dataframe with the five smallest
Smallest = head(arrange(df,area),n=5)