sebastianbarfort / sds

Social Data Science, course at University of Copenhagen
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Group 8: Assignment 2 #38

Closed sundgaard closed 8 years ago

sundgaard commented 8 years ago

title: "Group 8 - Assignment 2" author: 'Group 8: Oskar Harmsen, Dennis Hansen, Ann-Sofie Hansen & Susanne Sundgaard Hansen' date: "November 8, 2015"

output: html_document


In this assignment, we seek to provide insights on patterns in corruption across India. Our analyses are based on data from, an online portal for reporting bribes paid. Specifically, we scrape the latest 1000 bribe reports from the site.

The assignment is written in R-markdown, and we've chosen to exhibit only the most relevant chunks of code in the html-document.

#Load needed packages

Data scraping

Now to the scraping. We notice that all the relevant information can be gathered from the main reports page, we then only need to loop this for 10 pages in total, since each page contains 10 posts each. Below we show how the data is scraped, but since this takes a while, we also include a link to the scraped data at Github in the next chunk.

In the Rmarkdown file our code for scraping is visible - to save time, we have provided the link to the most recent csv-file in our GitHub further below:

# declare empty global dataframe:
df <- data.frame()

# create an overall loop to collect the "underpages" at the webpage, and then start scraping. 100 pages = 1000 cases.
for (i in seq(0,990,10)){

# generate the links to scape data from:
t <- c(i)
t <- t[1]

link <- ""
link <- paste(paste(link, t, sep = ""),"", sep ="")

# scrape the data from the link created above:
link <- html(link) 

n_title <- link %>%
  html_nodes(".heading-3 a") %>%

n_paid <- link %>%
  html_nodes(".paid-amount span") %>%

n_department <- link %>%
  html_nodes(".name a") %>%

n_views <- link %>%
  html_nodes(".overview .views") %>%

n_city <- link %>%
  html_nodes(".location") %>%

n_trans <- link %>%
  html_nodes(".transaction a") %>%

n_date <- link %>%
  html_nodes(".date") %>%
  html_text() %>%
  strptime(format = "%B %d, %Y") %>%

n_timeago <- link %>%
  html_nodes(".time-span") %>%

# make a dataset containing the the scraped information and bring it together to the global dataframe, df.
data <- data.frame(cbind(n_date, n_trans, n_city, n_views, n_department, n_paid, n_title, n_timeago))
df <- rbind(df,data)

# command to slow down the scrapng process.

Data cleaning

Some data cleaning is needed - luckily there are not too many spelling errors or mismatches since the "City"-box on the webpage is a dropdown-menu. However some of the amounts reported has erroneous decimals and are difficult to decipher, hence they are removed.

# split up "n_paid" and n_city":
dm <- df %>%
  separate(n_paid, c("n_currency","n_paid"), 8) %>%
  separate(n_city, c("n_town", "n_district"),",") 

# remove "view" from the n_view variable and "Paid" from n_currency:
dm$n_views <-  gsub(pattern = "[views]", "", as.character(dm$n_views))
dm$n_currency  <-  gsub(pattern = "[Paid]","",as.character(dm$n_currency)) 

#  remove ,'s in n_paid (2 times)
dm$n_paid <- gsub( x = dm$n_paid, pattern = "?\\,[0-9]+\\,", replacement = NA )
dm$n_paid <- gsub( x = dm$n_paid, pattern = "\\,", replacement = "")
dm$n_paid <- as.numeric(dm$n_paid)

#Update names
names(df) <- c("date", "type", "town", "state", "views", "department", "currency", "paid", "title")

Loading dataset

df <- read.csv(file = "",
               sep = ";")
names(df) <- c("date", "type", "town", "state", "views", "department", "currency", "paid", "title")
#Correct classes of columns
  df$town <- str_trim(df$town)
  df$title <- str_trim(df$title)
  df$date <- as.Date(df$date)
  df$views <- as.numeric(df$views)
  df$paid <- as.numeric(df$paid)
  df$state <- str_trim(df$state)

#Remove NAs and Currency
  df <- df %>% 
    select(-c(currency, title)) %>% #Remove irrelevant columns
    filter(! #Remove observations with NA in paid

  df <- df %>% filter(! & state!="") #Remove observations with NA or missing in state

Descriptive Statistics

# make an aggregate dataframe for types and # of bribes:

 agg <- df %>%
   group_by(type) %>%
   summarise( count = n(), mean = mean(paid), median = median(paid)) %>%

   p <-  ggplot(agg, aes( x = reorder(type, -count), y = count)) +
         geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "black", alpha = 0.8) +
         geom_hline(y = mean(agg$count), colour = "red") +
         coord_flip() + labs( x = "Type", y = "# of bribes") +
         geom_text(aes(label = round(mean, digits = 0)), 
                   size = 3, y = 200, colour = "darkblue")+
        ggtitle("#reports by type,\n with average bribe size for each")

The figure shows an overview of the distribution of various types of bribes. The red line shows the average number of bribe rapports. It's clear that the distribution is skewed towards a few types of bribes. A reason could be the frequency of the demand for each type of bribe. You could argue that the demand for bith certificate must be higher than for e.g vehicle registration, and for that reason the number of bribes must also be higher for bith certificate. The blue numbers illustrate the average amount of the bribe paid. No clear relationsship between the number of reports and amount paid.

# aggregate dataframe for birth certificate:

  #Create dataframe
  agg1 <- df %>%
  filter(paid != "NA", state != " ", type == "Birth Certificate") %>%
  group_by(state) %>%
  summarise( count = n(), mean = mean(paid)) %>%

  # barplot showing the distribution of birth certificate reports by district:
   p <-  ggplot(agg1, aes( x = reorder(state, -count), y = count)) +
        geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "black", alpha = 0.8) + 
        geom_hline(y = mean(agg1$count), colour = "red") +
        coord_flip() + labs( x = "State", y = "# of birth certificate bribes") +
        geom_text(aes(label = round(mean, digits = 0)), size = 3, y = 60, colour = "darkblue")+
        ggtitle("# birth certificate bribes by state, \n and average bribe size within state")

The figure illustrates the distrubution of the number of bribe reports on state level. The red line is again the average number of reports. Again, it's a few states that skews the average. In general highly populated states also has a high number of reported bribes. We could have selection bias here. The most populattes states could also have easier acces to IT and internet, which the less populated states could have less accces to, and therefore skewes the reports toward the higly populated states. No relationship between the average amount paid and number of bribe reports (blue numbers).

Pairing with Indian demographic data

The code below shows how we load demographic state-level data for India from wikipedia, and merge it with our scraped dataset to be able to pursue greater insight into the determinants of corruption.

# Get table from Wikipedia

  #Load website 
  url <- ""
  tabs <- GET(url, encoding = "UTF-8")
  tabs <- readHTMLTable(rawToChar(tabs$content), stringsAsFactors = F, header = TRUE)

  #Reduce html-document to the relevant table
  tabs <- ldply(tabs[1:3]) #Only the first three elements of the list contain parts of the data
  tabs <- tabs[12:40,] #delete unnecessary rows
  tabs <- tabs[,-c(1:5)] #delete unnecessary columns

  #Clean the resulting table
  names(tabs) <- c("state", "code", "formation_date", "population", "area", "langugages", "capital",
                   "largest_city_if_not_capital", "population_density", "literacy", 
                   "urban_population_share") #Naming the columns

  #Remove Wiki-links, percentages and NAs
  tabs <-, function(y) gsub(pattern = "\\[.*\\]", replacement =  "", x = y)))
  tabs <-, function(y) gsub(pattern = "\\%", replacement =  "", x = y)))
  tabs <-, function(y) gsub(pattern = "N\\/A", replacement =  NA, x = y)))

  #Convert numeric columns to numeric class  
  tabs$literacy <- as.numeric(as.character(tabs$literacy))
  tabs$population_density <- as.numeric(as.character(tabs$population_density))
  tabs$urban_population_share <- as.numeric(as.character(tabs$urban_population_share))

  #Change to earlier spelling method, to fit with
  tabs$state <- gsub(x = tabs$state, pattern = "Odisha", replacement = "Orissa")

  #Remove irrelevant columns
  tabs <- tabs %>% select(state, population, literacy, population_density, urban_population_share)

  #Add demographic state-level data to each observation
  df <- left_join(df, tabs, by = "state")

Mapping the data

We use spatial data to map choropleth maps of India - this is immensely time-consuming to plot, so we include the finished plots as an image-file. The code for plotting the maps can be seen in the rmarkdown-file.

#load spatial data and fortify to dataframe#
download.file("", "India")
india <- readRDS("India")
india <- fortify(india, region="NAME_1")

#check if names of states matches in the two datasets#
namesInData <- levels(factor(df$state))
namesInMap <- levels(factor(india$id))
namesInData[which(!namesInData %in% namesInMap)]

#correct errors and spelling#
df$state <- gsub("Hardoi", "Uttar Pradesh", df$state)
df$state <- gsub("Uttarakhand", "Uttaranchal", df$state)

#new dataframes to use for plotting#
df1 <- df %>% 
  group_by(state) %>% 
  summarise(count = n(), aggpaid=sum(paid))

df2 <- df %>%

df3 <- df %>%

df4 <- df %>%

#plotting the spatial data - CAUTION this takes a while! Approx. 10 minutes#
p1 <- ggplot() + 
  geom_map(data=df1, aes(map_id = state, fill=aggpaid), 
           map = india) + 
  expand_limits(x = india$long, y = india$lat)+ 
  ggtitle("Paid: Reported bribes in India")+
  theme_tufte(ticks = FALSE)+
  theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, face="bold"))+
  scale_fill_viridis(trans="log10", na.value ="grey50",
                     name="Amount paid \n(logs)")

p2 <- ggplot() + 
  geom_map(data=df2, aes(map_id = state, fill=count), 
           map = india) + 
  expand_limits(x = india$long, y = india$lat)+ 
  ggtitle("Count: Reported bribes in India")+
  theme_tufte(ticks = FALSE)+
  theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, face="bold"))+
  scale_fill_viridis(na.value ="grey50",
p3 <- ggplot() + 
  geom_map(data=df3, aes(map_id = state, fill=lit), 
           map = india) + 
  expand_limits(x = india$long, y = india$lat)+ 
  ggtitle("Literacy rates in India")+
  theme_tufte(ticks = FALSE)+
  theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, face="bold"))+
  scale_fill_viridis(na.value ="grey50",

p4 <- ggplot() + 
  geom_map(data=df4, aes(map_id = state, fill=urban), 
           map = india) + 
  expand_limits(x = india$long, y = india$lat)+ 
  ggtitle("% of total population that is urban")+
  theme_tufte(ticks = FALSE)+
  theme(plot.title = element_text(lineheight=.8, face="bold"))+
  scale_fill_viridis(na.value ="grey50",
                     name="Urban pop.")

Choropleth maps of India

It is clear that the majority of posts and also the amounts paid are highest in the state of Karnataka. Furthermore we can generally sense a higher frequency and activity through a vertical line in the middle of the country. We compare this to the literacy rates and percentage of urban population through India. The correlation here is not super-evident. We would expect the literacy rate and urban population to be high in the same areas as the high frequencies of posts, which the maps, somewhat, concludes.

Testing correlations between corruption levels and demographic statistics

Let's investigate if there is any correlation between the levels of corruption and literacy, urban population and population density. We would assume a negative connection, i.e. that higher literacy implying higher education would mean lower average bribes.

#Create summary dataframe on state level
        state.table <- df %>%
          group_by(state) %>% 
            count = n(),
            mean_bribe = mean(paid),
            median_bribe = median(paid), 
            urban_population_share = mean(urban_population_share),
            literacy_percent = mean(literacy),
            population_density_per_sqkm = mean(population_density)
            ) %>%   

Below shows example of chode-chunk to run one of the plots below

        #Example of Plot
        plot.literacy <-  ggplot(data = state.table, aes(x = literacy_percent, y = mean_bribe)) +
              stat_smooth(method = "lm")+
              geom_point() + 
        plot.urban <-  ggplot(data = state.table, aes(x = urban_population_share, y = mean_bribe)) +
              stat_smooth(method = "lm")+
              geom_point() + 

        plot.density <-  ggplot(data = state.table, aes(x = population_density_per_sqkm, y = mean_bribe)) +
              stat_smooth(method = "lm")+
              geom_point() + 

        grid.arrange(plot.urban, plot.density, plot.literacy, ncol = 3)

The lines are all slightly decreasing, implying a negative correlation between all covariates and the level of bribes. However when we test the correlation with the most evident correlation (literacy rate) in a linear model, the coefficient is not statistically significant.

        #Checking the summary with literacy
        fit1 <- lm(mean_bribe ~ literacy_percent, data = state.table) #perform regression 
        summary(fit1) # Show regression output

This could be due to many things. The causes of corruption are fundamentally unclear and higher literacy, implying higher education, implying higher income could also induce higher bribes due to higher disposable incomes. A major issue in this kind of data is also that it is self-reported - which implies mis- and underreporting. Thus it is difficult to conclude anything general on these data.

    #Create tables with tops for each state

        #Count state reports
        top.table <- df %>% 
          group_by(state) %>% 
            count.state = n()
          ) %>% 
          ungroup() %>% 

          #Create tables on state/type-level, with relevant variables
          group_by(state, type) %>% 
            mean_bribe = mean(paid),
            count = n(), 
            count.state = mean(count.state),
            share = count / count.state
          ) %>% 
          top_n( n = 3, wt = share) %>% #Choose top 3 for each state
          ungroup() %>% 
          arrange(desc(count.state), desc(share)) %>% 
          filter(count.state > 33) #Bad way of removing those outside of top 6 states by count

      top.table <- top.table[-7,] #Removing an arbitrary observation, caused by a tie

      top.table$state <- as.factor(top.table$state)

Top 3 bribe types in the top 6 states

Below we zoom in on the six most bribery "active" states and look at their top 3 bribe activities. It is evident that bribes in relation to "Birth certificates" are driving many of the states but not all of them. For instance in Madhya Pradesh, bribes relating to "Issue of Ration card" is the most frequent form of bribery, implying diversity in bribery type across states.

      # FACET WRAP

      plot <- ggplot( data = top.table)+
              facet_wrap( ~ state, ncol = 3, scales = "free") +
              geom_bar(stat = "identity", aes(x = reorder(type, -share), y = share)) +
              # coord_flip() + 
              ylim(0, 0.95)+
              scale_x_discrete(labels = function(x) str_wrap(x, width = 10))+
              ggtitle("Top 3 bribe types in the top 6 states \n by number of reports, percent")


The main conclusion is that it is difficult to conclude something general when working with self-reported data. Maybe the webpage is more known in some states than others, maybe the urban areas have better access to IT etc. Scraping more observations and perhaps at different times during the year might be sufficient to validate the results further.

sebastianbarfort commented 8 years ago

Really good assignment!

You write great code and have many interesting thoughts that you examine using the scraped data. Great!

Keep up the good work!