sebastianbiallas / pearpc

PearPC - PowerPC Architecture Emulator
GNU General Public License v2.0
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windows.h missing trying to compile on Windows 10 #13

Closed mascondante closed 7 years ago

mascondante commented 7 years ago

I followed which got me further but I still ultimately failed.

Autogen: Configure: Make: Using Ubuntu on Windows (the new Linux subsystem for Win10 Anniversary v.1067). Version: Trusty

Thank you so much for all you've done and keeping this project alive.

sebastianbiallas commented 7 years ago

You cannot compile a windows program with ubuntu on windows. Use cygwin or something like this.

ballo commented 7 years ago

You can compile windows programs with mingw32

ballo commented 7 years ago

Here's how:

mascondante commented 7 years ago

Thank you. Are there any reported issues with Windows 10 and PearPC in general? I can't get it to boot for squat on 0.5. I will compile latest version tomorrow hopefully. Have I made some mistake I'm not seeing?


I remember also I had one set up that worked under Win8 in c:\PearPC to avoid possible spacing/long directory issues iirc. It doesn't work anymore either.

This is where it stalls:

No Apple logo, no timeout warning.

Again I cannot stress enough how much I appreciate the work on this project. Thank you for your quick reply earlier.