sebastianhaberey / nsd

Flutter Network Service Discovery (NSD) Plugin
61 stars 29 forks source link

mDNS Service registered with nsd not resolving correctly. #43

Open justbendev opened 1 year ago

justbendev commented 1 year ago


Hello :wave:

I hope you guys are doing well :smile:

I'am oppening an issue since i couldn't find a solution myself and i'am pretty sure it's not Client or Firewall related. Basically i'am publishing a service with nsd but can't resolve the .local domain from client computer. I'am able to see the service with mdns-scan (linux) but can't resolve with a ping command.

I tried with and without manually setting addresses list in nsd but i had the same result.

I can resolve my ESP8266 & ESP32 MDNS Services fine , only mdns services registered with nsd on my Android Tablet have issues resolving on any computer on my lan.

With manual addresses list

void example() async {
  for (var interface in await NetworkInterface.list()) {
        if ( == "wlan0") {
          for (var addr in interface.addresses) {
            if ( == "IPv4" && addr.isLoopback == false) {
                    name: '4022d8feb94cdomotika',
                    type: '_servicename._tcp',
                    addresses: [addr],
                    port: 36080),

Without manual addresses list

void example() {
          name: '4022d8feb94cdomotika',
          type: '_servicename._tcp',
          port: 36080

Thanks , and have a nice day :wave:


Use the plugin in my own application via Flutter dependency



justbendev commented 1 year ago

Found the issue after some debugging. By default nsd do not use "name + .local" as hostname, Android.local have been used by default. it can be set with the hostname arg.

Have a nice day.

justbendev commented 1 year ago

Setting the host param creates a runtime Exception : NsdError (NsdError (message: "register: null", cause: internalError))