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Update dependency prettier to v3 #12

Closed renovate[bot] closed 6 months ago

renovate[bot] commented 6 months ago

Mend Renovate

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
prettier (source) ^2.8.4 -> ^3.0.0 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes

prettier/prettier (prettier) ### [`v3.0.3`]( [Compare Source]( [diff]( ##### Add `preferUnplugged: true` to `package.json` ([#​15169]( by [@​fisker]( and [@​so1ve]( Prettier v3 uses dynamic imports, user [will need to unplug Prettier]( when Yarn's PnP mode is enabled, add [`preferUnplugged: true`]( to `package.json`, so Yarn will install Prettier as unplug by default. ##### Support shared config that forbids `require()` ([#​15233]( by [@​fisker]( If an external shared config package is used, and the package `exports` don't have `require` or `default` export. In Prettier 3.0.2 Prettier fails when attempt to `require()` the package, and throws an error. ```text Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: No "exports" main defined in /package.json ``` ##### Allow argument of `require()` to break ([#​15256]( by [@​fisker]( ```jsx // Input const plugin = require( global.STANDALONE ? path.join(__dirname, "../standalone.js") : path.join(__dirname, "..") ); // Prettier 3.0.2 const plugin = require(global.STANDALONE ? path.join(__dirname, "../standalone.js") : path.join(__dirname, "..")); // Prettier 3.0.3 const plugin = require( global.STANDALONE ? path.join(__dirname, "../standalone.js") : path.join(__dirname, "..") ); ``` ##### Do not print trailing commas in arrow function type parameter lists in `ts` code blocks ([#​15286]( by [@​sosukesuzuki]( ````md ```ts const foo = () => {} ``` ```ts const foo = () => {} ``` ```ts const foo = () => {} ``` ```` ##### Support TypeScript 5.2 `using` / `await using` declaration ([#​15321]( by [@​sosukesuzuki]( Support for the upcoming Explicit Resource Management feature in ECMAScript. [`using` / `await using` declaration]( ```tsx { using foo = new Foo(); await using bar = new Bar(); } ``` ### [`v3.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( [diff]( ##### Break after `=` of assignment if RHS is poorly breakable AwaitExpression or YieldExpression ([#​15204]( by [@​seiyab]( ```js // Input const { section, rubric, authors, tags } = await utils.upsertCommonData(mainData); // Prettier 3.0.1 const { section, rubric, authors, tags } = await utils.upsertCommonData( mainData, ); // Prettier 3.0.2 const { section, rubric, authors, tags } = await utils.upsertCommonData(mainData); ``` ##### Do not add trailing comma for grouped scss comments ([#​15217]( by [@​auvred]( ```scss /* Input */ $foo: ( 'property': (), // comment 1 // comment 2 ) /* Prettier 3.0.1 */ $foo: ( "property": (), // comment 1 // comment 2, ); /* Prettier 3.0.2 */ $foo: ( "property": (), // comment 1 // comment 2 ); ``` ##### Print `declare` and `export` keywords for nested namespace ([#​15249]( by [@​sosukesuzuki]( ```tsx // Input declare namespace abc1.def {} export namespace abc2.def {} // Prettier 3.0.1 namespace abc1.def {} namespace abc2.def {} // Prettier 3.0.2 declare namespace abc1.def {} export namespace abc2.def {} ``` ### [`v3.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( [diff]( ##### Fix cursor positioning for a special case ([#​14812]( by [@​fisker]( ```js // <|> is the cursor position /* Input */ // All messages are represented in JSON. // So, the controls a subprocess which spawns "node {this_file}". import {<|> } from "fs" /* Prettier 3.0.0 */ // All messages are represented in JSON. // So, the <|>controls a subprocess which spawns "node {this_file}". import {} from "fs" /* Prettier 3.0.1 */ // All messages are represented in JSON. // So, the controls a subprocess which spawns "node {this_file}". import {<|>} from "fs" ``` ##### Fix plugins/estree.d.ts to make it a module ([#​15018]( by [@​kingyue737]( Add `export {}` in `plugins/estree.d.ts` to fix the "File is not a module" error ##### Add parenthesis around leading multiline comment in return statement ([#​15037]( by [@​auvred]( ```jsx // Input function fn() { return ( /** * @​type {...} */ expresssion ) } // Prettier 3.0.0 function fn() { return /** * @​type {...} */ expresssion; } // Prettier 3.0.1 function fn() { return ( /** * @​type {...} */ expresssion ); } ``` ##### Add support for Vue "Generic Components" ([#​15066]( by [@​auvred]( ```vue ``` ##### Fix comments print in `IfStatement` ([#​15076]( by [@​fisker]( ```js function a(b) { if (b) return 1; // comment else return 2; } /* Prettier 3.0.0 */ Error: Comment "comment" was not printed. Please report this error! /* Prettier 3.0.1 */ function a(b) { if (b) return 1; // comment else return 2; } ``` ##### Add missing type definition for `printer.preprocess` ([#​15123]( by [@​so1ve]( ```diff export interface Printer { // ... + preprocess?: + | ((ast: T, options: ParserOptions) => T | Promise) + | undefined; } ``` ##### Add missing `getVisitorKeys` method type definition for `Printer` ([#​15125]( by [@​auvred]( ```tsx const printer: Printer = { print: () => [], getVisitorKeys(node, nonTraversableKeys) { return ["body"]; }, }; ``` ##### Add typing to support `readonly` array properties of AST Node ([#​15127]( by [@​auvred]( ```tsx // Input interface TestNode { readonlyArray: readonly string[]; } declare const path: AstPath; => "", "readonlyArray"); // Prettier 3.0.0 interface TestNode { readonlyArray: readonly string[]; } declare const path: AstPath; => "", "readonlyArray"); // ^ Argument of type '"readonlyArray"' is not assignable to parameter of type '"regularArray"'. ts(2345) // Prettier 3.0.1 interface TestNode { readonlyArray: readonly string[]; } declare const path: AstPath; => "", "readonlyArray"); ``` ##### Add space before unary minus followed by a function call ([#​15129]( by [@​pamelalozano]( ```less // Input div { margin: - func(); } // Prettier 3.0.0 div { margin: -func(); } // Prettier 3.0.1 div { margin: - func(); } ``` ### [`v3.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( [diff]( 🔗 [Release Notes](


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