sebastiencs / company-box

A company front-end with icons
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How can I change company-box background, foreground and font color? #88

Closed YumiSuki closed 4 years ago

YumiSuki commented 4 years ago

I am trying to add company-box into my Emacs configuration and it alters background and foreground color of company mode's dialog and make it is hard to read anything. Please check my picture. Before After

I am using Emacs 27 and using Zenburn theme.

With debug enable, there is also some error log. Please kindly check:

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument number-or-marker-p nil)
+(nil 0 0)
company-box-doc--set-frame-position(#<frame  0x55f1951f1ce0>)
company-box-doc--show(0 #<frame *scratch* -  0x55f18e991850>)
#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x157c654ad9d1>)()
apply(#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x157c654ad9d1>) nil)
timer-event-handler([t 0 0 500000 nil #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x157c654ad9d1>) nil idle 0])
(and (redisplay t) (window-line-height 'mode-line win))
(or (window-line-height 'mode-line win) (and (redisplay t) (window-line-height 'mode-line win)))
(nth 2 (or (window-line-height 'mode-line win) (and (redisplay t) (window-line-height 'mode-line win))))
(or (nth 2 (or (window-line-height 'mode-line win) (and (redisplay t) (window-line-height 'mode-line win)))) 0)
(+ (or (nth 2 (or (window-line-height 'mode-line win) (and (redisplay t) (window-line-height 'mode-line win)))) 0) (or (and win (nth 1 (window-edges win t nil t))) 0))
(let* ((win (let ((tmp nil)) (while (window-in-direction 'below tmp) (setq tmp (window-in-direction 'below tmp))) tmp))) (+ (or (nth 2 (or (window-line-height 'mode-line win) (and (redisplay t) (window-line-height 'mode-line win)))) 0) (or (and win (nth 1 (window-edges win t nil t))) 0)))
(setq company-box--bottom (let* ((win (let ((tmp nil)) (while (window-in-direction 'below tmp) (setq tmp (window-in-direction ... tmp))) tmp))) (+ (or (nth 2 (or (window-line-height 'mode-line win) (and (redisplay t) (window-line-height ... win)))) 0) (or (and win (nth 1 (window-edges win t nil t))) 0))))
(or company-box--bottom (setq company-box--bottom (let* ((win (let ((tmp nil)) (while (window-in-direction ... tmp) (setq tmp ...)) tmp))) (+ (or (nth 2 (or (window-line-height ... win) (and ... ...))) 0) (or (and win (nth 1 (window-edges win t nil t))) 0)))))
(let* ((--dash-source-0-- (company-box--edges)) (left (car-safe (prog1 --dash-source-0-- (setq --dash-source-0-- (cdr --dash-source-0--))))) (top (car-safe (prog1 --dash-source-0-- (setq --dash-source-0-- (cdr --dash-source-0--))))) (_bottom (car (cdr --dash-source-0--))) (char-height (frame-char-height frame)) (char-width (frame-char-width frame)) (height (* (min company-candidates-length company-tooltip-limit) char-height)) (frame-resize-pixelwise t) (mode-line-y (company-box--point-bottom)) (--dash-source-1-- (company-box--prefix-pos)) (p-x (car-safe (prog1 --dash-source-1-- (setq --dash-source-1-- (cdr --dash-source-1--))))) (p-y --dash-source-1--) (p-y-abs (+ top p-y)) (y (or (and (> p-y-abs (/ mode-line-y 2)) (<= (- mode-line-y p-y) (+ char-height height)) (> (- p-y-abs height) 0) (- p-y height)) (+ p-y char-height))) (height (or (and (> y p-y) (> height (- mode-line-y y)) (- mode-line-y y)) height)) (height (- height (mod height char-height))) (x (if company-box--with-icons-p (- p-x (* char-width (if (= company-box--space 2) 2 3))) (- p-x (if (= company-box--space 0) 0 char-width))))) (setq company-box--x (+ x left) company-box--start (or company-box--start (window-start)) company-box--height height) (set-frame-size frame (company-box--update-width t (/ height char-height)) height t) (set-frame-position frame (max (+ x left) 0) (+ y top)) (set-frame-parameter frame 'company-box-window-origin (selected-window)) (set-frame-parameter frame 'company-box-buffer-origin (current-buffer)) (let ((old-frame (selected-frame)) (old-buffer (current-buffer))) (unwind-protect (progn (select-frame frame 'norecord) (set-fringe-style 0)) (if (frame-live-p old-frame) (progn (select-frame old-frame 'norecord))) (if (buffer-live-p old-buffer) (progn (set-buffer old-buffer))))))
company-box--set-frame-position(#<frame  0x55f19541d710>)
company-box--display(#("   use-default-char-width-table\n   use-cjk-char-wi..." 0 1 (display (space :width 0.75) company-box--len 28 company-box--color nil) 1 2 (display-origin (image :type imagemagick :file "/home/pc/.emacs.d/elpa/company-box-20200429.103..." :ascent center :width 14 :height 14) company-box-image t display (image :type imagemagick :file "/home/pc/.emacs.d/elpa/company-box-20200429.103..." :ascent center :width 14 :height 14) company-box--len 28 company-box--color nil) 2 3 (display (space :align-to (+ left-fringe 3)) company-box--len 28 company-box--color nil) 3 6 (face company-tooltip-common company-box--len 28 company-box--color nil) 6 31 (face company-box-candidate company-box--len 28 company-box--color nil) 32 33 (display (space :width 0.75) company-box--len 24 company-box--color nil) 33 34 (display-origin (image :type imagemagick :file "/home/pc/.emacs.d/elpa/company-box-20200429.103..." :ascent center :width 14 :height 14) company-box-image t display (image :type imagemagick :file "/home/pc/.emacs.d/elpa/company-box-20200429.103..." :ascent center :width 14 :height 14) company-box--len 24 company-box--color nil) 34 35 (display (space :align-to (+ left-fringe 3)) company-box--len 24 company-box--color nil) 35 38 (face company-tooltip-common company-box--len 24 company-box--color nil) 38 59 (face company-box-candidate company-box--len 24 company-box--color nil) 60 61 (display (space :width 0.75) company-box--len 26 company-box--color nil) 61 62 (display-origin (image :type imagemagick :file "/home/pc/.emacs.d/elpa/company-box-20200429.103..." :ascent center :width 14 :height 14) company-box-image t display (image :type imagemagick :file "/home/pc/.emacs.d/elpa/company-box-20200429.103..." :ascent center :width 14 :height 14) company-box--len 26 company-box--color nil) 62 63 (display (space :align-to (+ left-fringe 3)) company-box--len 26 company-box--color nil) 63 66 (face company-tooltip-common company-box--len 26 company-box--color nil) 66 89 (face company-box-candidate company-box--len 26 company-box--color nil) 90 91 (display (space :width 0.75) company-box--len 14 company-box--color nil) ...))
(let ((it (mapconcat 'identity it "\n"))) (company-box--display it))
(let ((it (mapcar (-compose 'company-box--make-line 'company-box--make-candidate) it))) (let ((it (mapconcat 'identity it "\n"))) (company-box--display it)))
(let ((it (-take company-box-max-candidates company-candidates))) (let ((it (mapcar (-compose 'company-box--make-line 'company-box--make-candidate) it))) (let ((it (mapconcat 'identity it "\n"))) (company-box--display it))))
(cond ((eq command 'hide) (company-box-hide)) ((and (equal company-candidates-length 1) (null company-box-show-single-candidate)) (company-box-hide)) ((eq command 'update) (company-box-show)) ((eq command 'post-command) (company-box--post-command)))
funcall(company-box-frontend update)
(condition-case err (funcall frontend command) ((debug error) (error "Company: frontend %s error \"%s\" on command %s" frontend (error-message-string err) command)))
(let ((frontend (car --dolist-tail--))) (condition-case err (funcall frontend command) ((debug error) (error "Company: frontend %s error \"%s\" on command %s" frontend (error-message-string err) command))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))
(while --dolist-tail-- (let ((frontend (car --dolist-tail--))) (condition-case err (funcall frontend command) ((debug error) (error "Company: frontend %s error \"%s\" on command %s" frontend (error-message-string err) command))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))
(let ((--dolist-tail-- company-frontends)) (while --dolist-tail-- (let ((frontend (car --dolist-tail--))) (condition-case err (funcall frontend command) ((debug error) (error "Company: frontend %s error \"%s\" on command %s" frontend (error-message-string err) command))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))))
(if (not company-candidates) (setq company-backend nil) (setq company-point (point) company--point-max (point-max)) (company-ensure-emulation-alist) (company-enable-overriding-keymap company-active-map) (company-call-frontends 'update))
(let ((inhibit-quit nil)) (company--perform) company-candidates)
(condition-case err (let ((inhibit-quit nil)) (company--perform) company-candidates) ((debug error) (message "Company: An error occurred in auto-begin") (message "%s" (error-message-string err)) (company-cancel)) ((debug quit) (company-cancel)))
(let ((company-idle-delay 'now)) (condition-case err (let ((inhibit-quit nil)) (company--perform) company-candidates) ((debug error) (message "Company: An error occurred in auto-begin") (message "%s" (error-message-string err)) (company-cancel)) ((debug quit) (company-cancel))))
(and company-mode (not company-candidates) (let ((company-idle-delay 'now)) (condition-case err (let ((inhibit-quit nil)) (company--perform) company-candidates) ((debug error) (message "Company: An error occurred in auto-begin") (message "%s" (error-message-string err)) (company-cancel)) ((debug quit) (company-cancel)))))
(if (company-auto-begin) (progn (if (version< emacs-version "24.3.50") (progn (company-input-noop))) (let ((this-command 'company-idle-begin)) (company-post-command))))
(and (eq buf (current-buffer)) (eq win (selected-window)) (eq tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick)) (eq pos (point)) (if (company-auto-begin) (progn (if (version< emacs-version "24.3.50") (progn (company-input-noop))) (let ((this-command 'company-idle-begin)) (company-post-command)))))
company-idle-begin(#<buffer *scratch*> #<window 3 on *scratch*> 16 5)
apply(company-idle-begin (#<buffer *scratch*> #<window 3 on *scratch*> 16 5))
timer-event-handler([t 24245 32618 618333 nil company-idle-begin (#<buffer *scratch*> #<window 3 on *scratch*> 16 5) nil 979000])
sebastiencs commented 4 years ago

Hi @YumiSuki , the error should be fixed in

You can customize faces by running: M-x customize-group company-box and M-x customize-group company-box-doc

YumiSuki commented 4 years ago

Hi @sebastiencs,

I have just found out why when i enable company-box mode, company mode dialog just dim out like in the second picture above. I think this package is conflicted with dimmer mode i am using. After disable dimmer mode, company mode dialog shows list of candidates like in the first picture but candidate detail (on the right) still dim out. I am not sure what is going on. I have disabled all the package and configuration and it still doesn't work. Would you check this out?

By the way, I could customize list of candidates background and foreground but not sure how to customize the detail one. I have check company-box-doc but there is no customization for its background and foreground.


azzamsa commented 4 years ago

same problem here:


- "GNU Emacs 26.3 (build 3, x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.24.5)\n of 2020-05-19"
- latest version of company box
jidicula commented 4 years ago

I'm also having this issue where company-box-doc menus are unreadable with a bright yellow (#FEFA52) background and a white foreground. I'm not sure which variable can be used to customize this, but I'm certain that this issue is originating from company-box and not company-mode or Emacs defaults.

sebastiencs commented 4 years ago

The background is configured with the face company-box-background Is this face modified/set in your configuration ?

M-x customize-face company-box-background
jidicula commented 4 years ago

Thanks! I was able to configure it in my init.el with (set-face-background 'company-box-background "#555555")

azzamsa commented 4 years ago

do you use dimmer-mode?

If anyone have blurred text problem like this (blurred text):


Check if you have dimmer-mode installed. If so, then you can add " *company-box-" to your dimmer-exclusion-regexp-list or you can add (dimmer-configure-company-box) function to your config. Read more in dimmer.el README.


sebastiencs commented 4 years ago

Thanks @azzamsa, this is now done by company-box with So the user doesn't need to do any configuration.

Let me know if you think this should stay an explicit user config instead.

sebastiencs commented 4 years ago

Closing. @YumiSuki Feel free to reopen if you still have issues

YumiSuki commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your hard work everyone! I have just update everything today and retried the solution and got some error with the scroll bar. It become so large than usual when company-box is enabled. Please check the image below, one is when company-box is not yet enabled, and another is enabled.

company-box version: 20200823.1712

company-box-enabled company-box-disabled

sebastiencs commented 4 years ago

@YumiSuki Can you please try and add to your config:

(setq company-box-debug-scrollbar t)

And post the logs in you *messages* buffer here

YumiSuki commented 4 years ago

Here is the output I got, please check:

Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-use-package.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-gc.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-benchmark.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-general-config.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-backup-config.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-recentf.el (source)...
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/.appdata/.recentf...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-recentf.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-savehist.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-saveplace.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-evil.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-magit.el (source)...
magit-todos: Not overriding bind of "jT" in ‘magit-status-mode-map’.
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-magit.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-git-gutter-plus.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-diff-hl.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-git-timemachine.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-elfeed.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-ws-butler.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-restart-emacs.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-browse-kill-ring.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-ag.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-aggressive-indent.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-avy.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-ace-window.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-ivy.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-projectile.el (source)...
ad-handle-definition: ‘ibuffer-do-replace-regexp’ got redefined
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-projectile.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-move-dup.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-which-key.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-symbol-overlay.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-multiple-cursor.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-expand-region.el (source)...
ad-handle-definition: ‘er/expand-region’ got redefined
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-expand-region.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-dired.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-default-encode.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-smart-parent.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-parent-mode.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-pretty-symbol.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-beacon.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-hl-todo.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-gold-ratio.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-telephone-line.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-tramp.el (source)...
Waiting for git... [2 times]
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-tramp.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-emmet-mode.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-npm-mode.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-dumb-jump.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-flycheck.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-ielm.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-org-mode.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-org-bullet.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-java-mode.el (source)...
[yas] Prepared just-in-time loading of snippets (but no snippets found).
ad-handle-definition: ‘lsp’ got redefined
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-java-mode.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-company-mode.el (source)...
ad-handle-definition: ‘find-tag-regexp’ got redefined
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-company-mode.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-math-symbol.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-auto-package-update.el (source)...done
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/init/init-focus-emacs-frame.el (source)...done
Turning on magit-auto-revert-mode...done
Company backend ’company-lsp’ could not be initialized:
Symbol’s function definition is void: company-lsp
Loading /home/yourpc/.emacs.d/.appdata/.company-statistics-cache.el (source)...done
For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a.
[CHANGES] MIN CURRENT-SIZE=2 WIN-MIN-SIZE=2 WIN-PARAMS=((quit-restore window window #<window 6 on  *company-box-58720430*>  *company-box-58720430-scrollbar*) (window-slot . 0) (window-side . right)) FRAME-PARAMS=((parent-id . 58720430) (explicit-name . t) (display . :0) (icon-name) (outer-window-id . 58720724) (window-id . 58720728) (top . 17) (left . 34) (buried-buffer-list) (buffer-list *scratch*) (unsplittable) (modeline . t) (width . 60) (company-box-scrollbar .  *company-box-58720430-scrollbar*) (company-box-buffer-origin . *scratch*) (company-box-window-origin . #<window 3 on *scratch*>) (name . ) (desktop-dont-save . t) (company-box-buffer .  *company-box-58720430*) (cursor-color . yellow1) (background-mode . dark) (display-type . color) (default-minibuffer-frame . #<frame *scratch* -  0x561670ba7f00>) (drag-internal-border . t) (no-other-frame . t) (mouse-wheel-frame) (z-group) (skip-taskbar) (visibility . t) (fullscreen . fullboth) (no-accept-focus . t) (no-focus-on-map . t) (alpha) (scroll-bar-height . 16) (scroll-bar-width . 16) (cursor-type) (auto-lower) (auto-raise) (icon-type . t) (inhibit-double-buffering) (tool-bar-position . top) (wait-for-wm . t) (title) (buffer-predicate) (tool-bar-lines . 0) (height . 20) (tab-bar-lines . 0) (menu-bar-lines . 0) (min-height . 0) (min-width . 0) (scroll-bar-background . #eff0f1) (scroll-bar-foreground . #eff0f1) (no-special-glyphs . t) (right-fringe . 0) (left-fringe . 0) (line-spacing . 0) (screen-gamma) (border-color . black) (mouse-color . #eff0f1) (background-color . #555555) (foreground-color . #eff0f1) (horizontal-scroll-bars) (vertical-scroll-bars) (bottom-divider-width . 0) (right-divider-width . 0) (internal-border-width . 1) (border-width . 0) (font-parameter . Source Code Pro 10) (font . -ADBO-Source Code Pro-normal-normal-normal-*-13-*-*-*-m-0-iso10646-1) (font-backend ftcrhb x) (override-redirect) (undecorated . t) (parent-frame . #<frame *scratch* -  0x561670ba7f00>) (minibuffer . #<window 4 on  *Minibuf-0*>)) HOOKS=(evil--jumps-window-configuration-hook t company-box--scrollbar-prevent-changes)
Type C-x 1 to delete the help window.
[SCROLL] SELECTION=1 BUFFER= *company-box-58720430-scrollbar* H-FRAME=340 N-ELEMENTS=100 PERCENT=0.010101010101010102 PERCENT-DISPLAY=0.2 SCROLLBAR-PIXEL=68.0 HEIGHT=SCROLLBAR=4.0 BLANK-PIXELS=2.747474747474748 HEIGHT-BLANK=0.16161616161616163 FRAME-CHAR-HEIGHT=17 FRAME-CHAR-HEIGHT-NO-FRAME=20 FRAME=#<frame  0x561678075c10> MUL=1700
[SCROLL] SELECTION=2 BUFFER= *company-box-58720430-scrollbar* H-FRAME=340 N-ELEMENTS=100 PERCENT=0.020202020202020204 PERCENT-DISPLAY=0.2 SCROLLBAR-PIXEL=68.0 HEIGHT=SCROLLBAR=4.0 BLANK-PIXELS=5.494949494949496 HEIGHT-BLANK=0.32323232323232326 FRAME-CHAR-HEIGHT=17 FRAME-CHAR-HEIGHT-NO-FRAME=20 FRAME=#<frame  0x561678075c10> MUL=1700
[SCROLL] SELECTION=3 BUFFER= *company-box-58720430-scrollbar* H-FRAME=340 N-ELEMENTS=100 PERCENT=0.030303030303030304 PERCENT-DISPLAY=0.2 SCROLLBAR-PIXEL=68.0 HEIGHT=SCROLLBAR=4.0 BLANK-PIXELS=8.242424242424242 HEIGHT-BLANK=0.48484848484848486 FRAME-CHAR-HEIGHT=17 FRAME-CHAR-HEIGHT-NO-FRAME=20 FRAME=#<frame  0x561678075c10> MUL=1700
[SCROLL] SELECTION=4 BUFFER= *company-box-58720430-scrollbar* H-FRAME=340 N-ELEMENTS=100 PERCENT=0.04040404040404041 PERCENT-DISPLAY=0.2 SCROLLBAR-PIXEL=68.0 HEIGHT=SCROLLBAR=4.0 BLANK-PIXELS=10.989898989898991 HEIGHT-BLANK=0.6464646464646465 FRAME-CHAR-HEIGHT=17 FRAME-CHAR-HEIGHT-NO-FRAME=20 FRAME=#<frame  0x561678075c10> MUL=1700
[SCROLL] SELECTION=5 BUFFER= *company-box-58720430-scrollbar* H-FRAME=340 N-ELEMENTS=100 PERCENT=0.050505050505050504 PERCENT-DISPLAY=0.2 SCROLLBAR-PIXEL=68.0 HEIGHT=SCROLLBAR=4.0 BLANK-PIXELS=13.737373737373737 HEIGHT-BLANK=0.8080808080808081 FRAME-CHAR-HEIGHT=17 FRAME-CHAR-HEIGHT-NO-FRAME=20 FRAME=#<frame  0x561678075c10> MUL=1700
[SCROLL] SELECTION=6 BUFFER= *company-box-58720430-scrollbar* H-FRAME=340 N-ELEMENTS=100 PERCENT=0.06060606060606061 PERCENT-DISPLAY=0.2 SCROLLBAR-PIXEL=68.0 HEIGHT=SCROLLBAR=4.0 BLANK-PIXELS=16.484848484848484 HEIGHT-BLANK=0.9696969696969697 FRAME-CHAR-HEIGHT=17 FRAME-CHAR-HEIGHT-NO-FRAME=20 FRAME=#<frame  0x561678075c10> MUL=1700

I think there should be a few packages that cause the conflict which include company-box, lsp-mode and some others in my configuration but I could not find out which one because it's take time trying enable and disable each one to see the result.

sebastiencs commented 4 years ago

@YumiSuki Thanks, I saw in your logs that you have golden-ratio. I think it caused that issue. Can you confirm that fixes that ?

YumiSuki commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot for your hard work @sebastiencs. It's working properly now.

YumiSuki commented 4 years ago

It's working so I'll close the issue now. Thx you again everyone.

sebastiencs commented 4 years ago

@YumiSuki You are welcome