sebastiencs / ls-icons

ls command with files icons
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Redundant with original ls #11

Open pagerc opened 4 years ago

pagerc commented 4 years ago

The original LS has dir_colors for generating the LS_COLORS attributes, which already supports console escape sequences which permits mapping unicode character sets to file types:

This for example, when the below is added to ~/.dir_colors, it will make all rc resource files light green in appearance and set the alpine linux icon when using NerdFonts: *rc 36m \e[36

I recommend updating the project/readme with the above details to assist in disseminating this information so that as a community we can focus on improving our file type mappings with contributions to additional icon/color mappings.

ayykamp commented 4 years ago

I tried appending *rc 36m \e[36 to my ~/.dir_colors and running dircolors ~/.dir_colors but this didnt change the behavior of ls.

ayykamp commented 4 years ago

Could you give some more direction on how you got this to work?

pagerc commented 4 years ago

Update your configuration file to contain the appropriate mappings, e.g. ~/.dir_colors

LINK        01;36m \e[01;36        # symbolic link.  (If you set this to 'target' instead of a
*rc     36m \e[36

In your shell startup, or paste into an existing shell to initialize the environment:

type dircolors >/dev/null 2>&1 && {
    eval `{ dircolors -b "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/sh/dir_colors" 2>/dev/null || dircolors -b ~/.dir_colors || dircolors -p | dircolors -b ; } | sed '$d'`
alias ls="LS_COLORS=\${LS_COLORS:-${LS_COLORS}} ls \${COLOR_OPTS:-${COLOR_OPTS}} --group-directories-first --time-style=long-iso -h"
pagerc commented 4 years ago

To fully explain what's going on: ls is typically provide by one of the following packages:

Of these, only GNU coreutils ls provides the LS_COLORS string parsing logic for modifying color codes by extension. The others will colorize output, but do so in a hardcoded fashion.

To use dircolors, you need GNU coreutils installed.

You got it working, sweet!

ayykamp commented 4 years ago

Cool, thanks for the explanation

pagerc commented 4 years ago

As LS_COLORS is a non-POSIX extension to ls, I recommend looking at exa for colorized directory listings. Or if you're a GNU purist, check out this extensive list of colorings: