sebbacon / home-automation

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Debug rules #14

Open sebbacon opened 3 years ago

sebbacon commented 3 years ago

I have set up a "test switch" to trigger toggling the temperatures of every radiator in the house.

The rules are:

rule "Test switch on"
     Item test_switch changed to ON
     logInfo("test", "Test switch is ON!")
     ThermostatSetter.members.forEach(item, i | sendCommand(item, 21))
rule "Test switch off"
     Item test_switch changed to OFF
     ThermostatSetter.members.forEach(item, i | sendCommand(item, 14))

This does appear to work, but sometimes some of the thermostats don't respond; like this:

2020-10-25 11:46:45.769 [ERROR] [ternal.handler.HomematicThingHandler] - -100 No answer from device. (sending setValue()
) -100 No answer from device. (sending setValue()

I have seen this for the following devices when setting switch to "on":

(and many others).

The nearest that doesn't seem to change in response to that is living room front, which is OEQ1040676 (0x1a77cd)

sebbacon commented 3 years ago

So what's striking is that sending the control string Zs0BB90040FDBE511A77CD004B does set the temp on living room front, and Zs0BB90040FDBE51150A88004B does it for the kitchen.

sebbacon commented 3 years ago

Focussing on the kitchen. This fails (where the equivalent, setting for the living room back, still works):

# homegear -e 'rc $hg->setValue("MEQ1821372:1", "SET_TEMPERATURE", 13);'
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Homegear\HomegearException: No answer from device. in /var/lib/homegear/scripts/inline.php:7
Stack trace:
#0 /var/lib/homegear/scripts/inline.php(7): Homegear\Homegear->__call('setValue', Array)
#1 {main}

And I see this in the logs:

10/25/20 13:10:06.323 IPC Server: Info: Connection accepted. Client number: 7, file descriptor ID: 1206
10/25/20 13:10:06.325 IPC Server: Info: Client 7 successfully registered RPC method "cliOutput" (this method is registered by 1 client(s)).
10/25/20 13:10:06.326 IPC Server: Info: Client 7 successfully registered RPC method "cliOutput-7" (this method is registered by 1 client(s)).
10/25/20 13:10:06.328 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/scripts/inline.php" with id 5.
10/25/20 13:10:06.434 Module MAX: CUL "My-MAX-CUL": Info: Sending (My-MAX-CUL, WOR: yes): 0F950003FD07BD150A8800141904B0B0
10/25/20 13:10:09.474 Module MAX: CUL "My-MAX-CUL": Info: Sending (My-MAX-CUL, WOR: yes): 0F950003FD07BD150A8800141904B0B0
10/25/20 13:10:12.475 Module MAX: CUL "My-MAX-CUL": Info: Sending (My-MAX-CUL, WOR: yes): 0F950003FD07BD150A8800141904B0B0
10/25/20 13:10:16.408 Info: Script with id 5 finished with exit code 255
10/25/20 13:10:16.420 IPC Server: Info: Connection to IPC server's client number 7 closed.

Using minicom to send, e.g. Zs0BB90040FDBE51150A88004B, still works.

On restarting homehear, I have noticed

Could not connect to server on port 9126. Poll failed with error code: 1. Removing server. Server has to send "init" again.

sebbacon commented 3 years ago

When it works (i.e. against living room back), the logs look like this:

10/25/20 13:12:53.578 IPC Server: Info: Connection accepted. Client number: 9, file descriptor ID: 1208
10/25/20 13:12:53.580 IPC Server: Info: Client 9 successfully registered RPC method "cliOutput" (this method is registered by 1 client(s)).
10/25/20 13:12:53.581 IPC Server: Info: Client 9 successfully registered RPC method "cliOutput-9" (this method is registered by 1 client(s)).
10/25/20 13:12:53.583 Script Engine Server: Info: Starting script "/var/lib/homegear/scripts/inline.php" with id 7.
10/25/20 13:12:53.689 Module MAX: CUL "My-MAX-CUL": Info: Sending (My-MAX-CUL, WOR: yes): 0B310540FDBE511A75E7015A
10/25/20 13:12:54.749 MAX packet received (My-MAX-CUL, RSSI: 0x3A): 0E3102021A75E7FDBE51000119001A
10/25/20 13:12:54.750 Module MAX: Info: Queue 101 is empty and there are no pending queues.
10/25/20 13:12:54.751 Module MAX: Info: CONTROL_MODE on channel 1 of peer 2 with serial number OEQ1039575 was set to 0x01.
10/25/20 13:12:54.752 Module MAX: Info: LOCKED on channel 1 of peer 2 with serial number OEQ1039575 was set to 0x00.
10/25/20 13:12:54.752 Module MAX: Info: SET_TEMPERATURE on channel 1 of peer 2 with serial number OEQ1039575 was set to 0x1A.
10/25/20 13:12:54.752 Module MAX: Info: VALVE_STATE on channel 1 of peer 2 with serial number OEQ1039575 was set to 0x00.
10/25/20 13:12:54.797 Info: Script with id 7 finished with exit code 0
10/25/20 13:12:54.808 IPC Server: Info: Connection to IPC server's client number 9 closed.
sebbacon commented 3 years ago

We can see that the successful instruction was 0B310540FDBE511A75E7015A and the unsuccessful analog was 0F950003FD07BD150A8800141904B0B0.

Messages can be unpacked thus:

ll - length
nn - msg counter
cc - control byte
tt - msg type
ss - sender address (3byte)
dd - destination address (3byte - 000000 for broadcast)
pp - payload...

Message types are defined here.

In the successful one we see 0B_31_05_40_FDBE51_1A75E7_015A, and the unsuccessful one, 0F_95_00_03_FD07BD_150A88_00141904B0B0.

Therefore we can conclude that the relationship between the identifier MEQ1821372:1 and the addresses stored for this is wrong in the homegear database, for some reason.

Two things of note about the unsuccessful one: (1) the sender address is wrong; (2) it's sending a TimeInformationMessage for some reason.

sebbacon commented 3 years ago

So looking at the homegear data structures, here's the Kitchen:

   [10] => Array
            [ADDRESS] => MEQ1821372
            [CHANNELS] => Array
                    [0] => 0
                    [1] => 1
                    [2] => 3
                    [3] => 4

            [CHILDREN] => Array
                    [0] => MEQ1821372:0
                    [1] => MEQ1821372:1
                    [2] => MEQ1821372:3
                    [3] => MEQ1821372:4

            [FAMILY] => 4
            [FIRMWARE] => 1.0
            [FLAGS] => 1
            [ID] => 3
            [INTERFACE] => VBC7339957
            [NAME] => "kitchen"
            [PAIRING_METHOD] => 
            [PARAMSETS] => Array
                    [0] => MASTER

            [PARENT] => 
            [PHYSICAL_ADDRESS] => 1378952
            [RF_ADDRESS] => 1378952
            [ROAMING] => 0
            [RX_MODE] => 2
            [TYPE] => BC-RT-TRX-CyG-3
            [TYPE_ID] => 416
            [VERSION] => 1

    [11] => Array
            [ADDRESS] => MEQ1821372:0
            [AES_ACTIVE] => 0
            [CHANNEL] => 0
            [DIRECTION] => 0
            [FAMILY] => 4
            [FLAGS] => 3
            [ID] => 3
            [INDEX] => 0
            [LINK_SOURCE_ROLES] => 
            [LINK_TARGET_ROLES] => 
            [NAME] => 
            [PARAMSETS] => Array
                    [0] => MASTER
                    [1] => VALUES

            [PARENT] => MEQ1821372
            [PARENT_TYPE] => BC-RT-TRX-CyG-3
            [TYPE] => MAINTENANCE
            [VERSION] => 1

    [12] => Array
            [ADDRESS] => MEQ1821372:1
            [AES_ACTIVE] => 0
            [CHANNEL] => 1
            [DIRECTION] => 3
            [FAMILY] => 4
            [FLAGS] => 1
            [ID] => 3
            [INDEX] => 1
            [NAME] => 
            [PARAMSETS] => Array
                    [0] => MASTER
                    [1] => VALUES

            [PARENT] => MEQ1821372
            [PARENT_TYPE] => BC-RT-TRX-CyG-3
            [VERSION] => 1

    [13] => Array
            [ADDRESS] => MEQ1821372:3
            [AES_ACTIVE] => 0
            [CHANNEL] => 3
            [DIRECTION] => 2
            [FAMILY] => 4
            [FLAGS] => 1
            [ID] => 3
            [INDEX] => 3
            [LINK_SOURCE_ROLES] => 
            [NAME] => 
            [PARAMSETS] => Array
                    [0] => MASTER

            [PARENT] => MEQ1821372
            [PARENT_TYPE] => BC-RT-TRX-CyG-3
            [VERSION] => 1

    [14] => Array
            [ADDRESS] => MEQ1821372:4
            [AES_ACTIVE] => 0
            [CHANNEL] => 4
            [DIRECTION] => 2
            [FAMILY] => 4
         [FLAGS] => 1
            [ID] => 3
            [INDEX] => 4
            [LINK_SOURCE_ROLES] => 
            [NAME] => 
            [PARAMSETS] => Array
                    [0] => MASTER

            [PARENT] => MEQ1821372
            [PARENT_TYPE] => BC-RT-TRX-CyG-3
            [VERSION] => 1

And here's the living room back:

   [5] => Array
            [ADDRESS] => OEQ1039575
            [CHANNELS] => Array
                    [0] => 0
                    [1] => 1
                    [2] => 3
                    [3] => 4

            [CHILDREN] => Array
                    [0] => OEQ1039575:0
                    [1] => OEQ1039575:1
                    [2] => OEQ1039575:3
                    [3] => OEQ1039575:4

            [FAMILY] => 4
            [FIRMWARE] => 1.1
            [FLAGS] => 1
            [ID] => 2
            [INTERFACE] => VBC7339957
            [NAME] => "living room back"
            [PAIRING_METHOD] => 
            [PARAMSETS] => Array
                    [0] => MASTER

            [PARENT] => 
            [PHYSICAL_ADDRESS] => 1734119
            [RF_ADDRESS] => 1734119
            [ROAMING] => 0
            [RX_MODE] => 2
            [TYPE] => BC-RT-TRX-CyN
            [TYPE_ID] => 417
            [VERSION] => 1

    [6] => Array
            [ADDRESS] => OEQ1039575:0
            [AES_ACTIVE] => 0
            [CHANNEL] => 0
            [DIRECTION] => 0
            [FAMILY] => 4
            [FLAGS] => 3
            [ID] => 2
            [INDEX] => 0
            [LINK_SOURCE_ROLES] => 
            [LINK_TARGET_ROLES] => 
            [NAME] => 
            [PARAMSETS] => Array
                    [0] => MASTER
                    [1] => VALUES

            [PARENT] => OEQ1039575
            [PARENT_TYPE] => BC-RT-TRX-CyN
            [TYPE] => MAINTENANCE
            [VERSION] => 1

    [7] => Array
            [ADDRESS] => OEQ1039575:1
            [AES_ACTIVE] => 0
            [CHANNEL] => 1
            [DIRECTION] => 3
            [FAMILY] => 4
            [FLAGS] => 1
            [ID] => 2
            [INDEX] => 1
           [NAME] => 
            [PARAMSETS] => Array
                    [0] => MASTER
                    [1] => VALUES

            [PARENT] => OEQ1039575
            [PARENT_TYPE] => BC-RT-TRX-CyN
            [VERSION] => 1

    [8] => Array
            [ADDRESS] => OEQ1039575:3
            [AES_ACTIVE] => 0
            [CHANNEL] => 3
            [DIRECTION] => 2
            [FAMILY] => 4
            [FLAGS] => 1
            [ID] => 2
            [INDEX] => 3
            [LINK_SOURCE_ROLES] => 
            [NAME] => 
            [PARAMSETS] => Array
                    [0] => MASTER

            [PARENT] => OEQ1039575
            [PARENT_TYPE] => BC-RT-TRX-CyN
            [VERSION] => 1
    [9] => Array
            [ADDRESS] => OEQ1039575:4
            [AES_ACTIVE] => 0
            [CHANNEL] => 4
            [DIRECTION] => 2
            [FAMILY] => 4
            [FLAGS] => 1
            [ID] => 2
            [INDEX] => 4
            [LINK_SOURCE_ROLES] => 
            [NAME] => 
            [PARAMSETS] => Array
                    [0] => MASTER

            [PARENT] => OEQ1039575
            [PARENT_TYPE] => BC-RT-TRX-CyN
            [VERSION] => 1
sebbacon commented 3 years ago

I've deleted all the sqlite files (rm /var/lib/homegear/db*).

I can apparently then repeer with the TRVs, although I have to restart homegear after peering a device, or the next device won't peer. So far I've been able to set values successfully on all three TRVs on the ground floor with variations of

homegear -e 'rc $hg->setValue("MEQ1821372:1", "SET_TEMPERATURE", 21);'
sebbacon commented 3 years ago

Now got to the stage where all the valves and the wall thermometer are working.

Can edit in VS Code over SMB share.

Tail the logs at /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log

Problem is that I'm not getting the valve states being reported back in the current rule set.

I can send instructions to all the TRVs by monitoring for changes on the wall thermometer (though really I should pair it, so the TRVs use the wall therm as their sensor... I think this is how they work?)

I think the valve states only report when something else changes. I'm just surprised that the something else isn't a change of the "set temperature"