sebbas / blender-mantaflow

Mantaflow integration in Blender
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Instant crash when adding domain #1

Closed GottfriedHofmann closed 8 years ago

GottfriedHofmann commented 8 years ago

Hello Sebbas,

I just compiled this repo on Ubuntu 15.10 x64 and tried to add a domain to the default cube which resulted in a reproducible instant crash. Here is the blender.crash.txt (I first tried collision and flow, both worked, but the instant I select "domain" it crashes):

Blender 2.76 (sub 9), Commit date: 2016-04-23 11:48, Hash a59e9cd

bpy.context.space_data.context = 'PHYSICS' # Property bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='SMOKE') # Operator bpy.context.object.modifiers["Smoke"].smoke_type = 'COLLISION' # Property bpy.context.object.modifiers["Smoke"].smoke_type = 'FLOW' # Property


./blender(BLI_system_backtrace+0x30) [0x1461a10] ./blender() [0x988741] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6dde4392f0] /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6de1bc6d70] ./blender(_ZN5MANTA14getGridPointerENSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11chartraitsIcESaIcEEES5+0x73) [0x98c723] ./blender(_ZN5MANTA14updatePointersEP17SmokeModifierData+0x295) [0x98cdf5] ./blender(_ZN5MANTAC1EPiP17SmokeModifierData+0x418) [0x991128] ./blender(smoke_init+0x25) [0x98ab25] ./blender(smoke_reallocate_fluid+0x5c) [0x12482dc] ./blender() [0x124c031] ./blender(smokeModifier_do+0x2e5) [0x124c895] ./blender() [0x1107257] ./blender() [0x1107f50] ./blender(makeDerivedMesh+0x8d) [0x110806d] ./blender(BKE_object_handle_data_update+0x495) [0x11f3e35] ./blender(BKE_object_handle_update_ex+0x200) [0x11ee320] ./blender() [0x1229f26] ./blender() [0x1461ccc] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6ddfff66aa] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f6dde50ae9d]

sebbas commented 8 years ago

Hi Gottfried,

sorry about that - I had some changes that I left out in the last commit. It was only working for me locally. Paired with a bit of overconfidence that it would work remotely as well, you got the crash :~)

I pushed the changes and the latest commit (Hash 39f65a9) works for me on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Hope this fixes the issue!

GottfriedHofmann commented 8 years ago

Compilation and running is all fine now - thanks a lot - you can close this issue for good :)