sebdeckers / grunt-rev

:punch: Asset revving for Grunt.js
MIT License
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Create one hash per "group" of assets (eg. for Retina/hidpi pairs) #15

Open steveluscher opened 11 years ago

steveluscher commented 11 years ago

There's a technique in the wild where you can use an in-browser HTML preprocessor to replace instances of "foo.png" with "foo@2x.png" depending on the client's display resolution. It's pretty awesome. It works like this (just imagine a string replacement on src rather than whatever's going on in that example).

Of course, asset hashing breaks this. There's no replacement I can perform on to end up with

What's your opinion of a feature that would allow you to hash assets as a group? I would love it if grunt-rev would allow me to specify that files matching the pattern *.png and *@2x.png belong to a group of files that should all share the same hash.


harperrg commented 10 years ago

I agree on this one, would love to see a solution for it.

farneman commented 10 years ago

I'd like to see this feature to. In my case I'm using svgeezy to replace svg image with a png in browsers that don't support svg (IE8, etc). svgeezy works by looking up the svg filename/path and then looking for a file with the same path/name but a png extension. It would be great to be able tos et some sort of group or matching option to give the svg and png versions of a file the same hash.

mblarsen commented 10 years ago

I've made a pull-request that implements this feature.

You can use like this (package.json):

"devDependencies": {
  "grunt": "~0.4.2",
  "grunt-rev": ""

Here is an example usage for the alt-feature:

rev: {
  options: {
    alt: {
      pattern: 'tmp/*@2x.{jpg,gif,png,webp}',
      identifier: '@2x'
  src: ['tmp/*.png']

This produces a reved file any files identified by '@2x' will get the same hash prefix. For example:


... becomes:


... despite they are different images with different hashes.

You can specify alt as an object or an array of objects.

steveluscher commented 10 years ago

Moving my comments to the pull request!

mblarsen commented 10 years ago

Check #21 which implements this.