sebdeckers / pfnp

:alien: Programming For Non-Programmers
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Web App Breakdown / Build up #15

Open vilav opened 8 years ago

vilav commented 8 years ago


It could be a useful exercise to do a breakdown of an app to better understand how it works. So say a breakdown of redmart in context of topics covered in the course.

Alternatively, what would it take to build a web app. Is there a checklist template / workflow of things to think about when building a web app (frontend + backend)?

For instance: 1) Hosting: Heroku / Digital Ocean 2) Front end: Custom / Existing Framework 3) Database: MongoDB

and so on...

sebdeckers commented 8 years ago

Great suggestions! We can try to cover it today if there is time. But will also pass it on to GA as a suggestion for future classes.

And I think one of the next SingaporeJS Book Club series will cover app architectures. Keep an eye on: