sebdeckers / pfnp

:alien: Programming For Non-Programmers
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Using Static sites #17

Open vilav opened 8 years ago

vilav commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion about static sites. Had heard about Jekyll and a few others like Yeoman but wasnt sure what they did exactly.

Any links to tutorials/vids that can help get started on building these with a no-database database sort of setup you discussed?

Also found this:

sebdeckers commented 8 years ago

Check out surge, it's really easy too. I've added it to this repo's example so it now gets published at This is only for the front-end example, not the back-end since it is only for static files.

Whether or not you need a database depends on your app's requirements. Sometimes you can get away with just a static JSON file that is managed as part of the git repo. Other times you can separate the front-end into its own static website. Or rely on a SaaS DB like user management services offered by and AWS RDS. Or higher level APIs like or Facebook.