sebdeckers / pfnp

:alien: Programming For Non-Programmers
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New Project Workflow #21

Open vilav opened 8 years ago

vilav commented 8 years ago

Hi Sebastiaan,

Is this is a good way to commence a front-end project:

sebdeckers commented 8 years ago

Tooling never ends. You will always find ways to make things more "clean." On larger projects with bigger teams I often spend significant amounts of time working on tooling. It's justifiable, IMO, because tooling can eliminate meetings and prevent miscommunication. Vorsprung durch Technik.

<opinion>Not a proponent of CodeKit. Recommend using command line tools directly with npm or task runners like Grunt and Gulp. Easier to port over to CI/production environments. Can also use it across Win/Mac/Lin.</opinion>

vilav commented 8 years ago

Thanks @cbas!